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Yes. I was prescribed Vicodin and I felt like a was going crazy so they switched me to Darvocet the next day and I was fine.

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Q: If a person has been taking vicodin can they switch to Darvocet?
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Is it dangerous to have a glass of red wine if you are taking vicodin every 6 hours?

Alcohol will intensify the effects of vicodin. The equation varies from person to person, but will resemble this: 1 + 1 = 3. Alcohol will intensify the effects of vicodin. The equation varies from person to person, but will resemble this: 1 + 1 = 3.

Is taking Vicodin and alcohol together dangerous?

Yes; taking Vicodin and alcohol can significantly increase the risk of fatal respiratory depression.

Can you drink alcohol while taking Darvocet?

You should definitely LIMIT YOUR INTAKE OF ALCOHOL WHILE TAKING DARVOCET. Combining Darvocet (propoxyphene) with alcohol or other drugs that cause drowsiness will increase the sedative effects and can be dangerous. For more info:

How long after taking Tylenol should you wait before taking Darvocet?

Since Darvocet has Tylenol in it, you cannot take them within 4 hours of each other. Try alternating Darvocet with ibuprofen - take the ibuprofen every 6 to 8 hours, and if you need Darvocet, take it at least 3 hours after the ibuprofen. That way, you won't get too much Tylenol, but it will relieve your pain better.

How long after taking Darvocet can you take suboxone?

At least 2-3 days

What do you do if you get a rash from Vicodin?

First, stop taking the vicodin. Second, talk to your doctor about a alternate pain killer.

Can you stop taking methadone and start taking vicodin?

You can, but only if your doctor will prescribe it for you.

Will you pass a urine test after taking vicodin?


Will taking a 15 blue morphine pill be the same as taking 2 Vicodin?

No its stronger than 2 vicodin they give the morphine to ppl with cancer and agonizing pain.

Is taking vicodin and snorting crystal meth safe?

Of course not

Is it ok to take a vicodin while taking Chantix?


If you are taking vicodin is it safe to be a passenger on an airplane?

Yes, why wouldn't it be?