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No just touching a cold sore doesn't give you any thing. In order for that to happen you would have to touch a cold sore then with in seconds touch your genitals.

Herpes doesn't last for more then a few seconds when it's out side of the body.

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Q: If a person touched a cold sore then touched you would you get genital herpes?
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Can you test negative for herpes and have the virus?

First, there are STDs for which there's no reliable test:There is no commerically available test to tell someone they don't have HPV. HPV can be diagnosed if a person has genital warts, or may be found during a cervical HPV test or biopsy, but there's no way to say that someone doesn't have HPV. The overwhelming majority of people who have sex have had HPV at some point in their lives.It is difficult to say that someone has or doesn't have genital herpes if they don't have symptoms. A blood test can tell you if you have antibodies to type 1 or type 2 herpes, but can't tell you if the infection is genital or found elsewhere.In addition, there are a few circumstances that might lead to a negative STD test when the STD is present.You can get tested too soon and you may not be able to tell what you have yet it would be too early to know.Tests are almost never 100% accurate. You shouldn't necessarily start doubting the tests but you should be tested regularly.

What phobia is the fear of having your armpits touched?

that would come under Aphenphosmphobia - the fear of being touched

What would happen if you touched ladybug eggs?

ninjas happen

Is herpes passed on through genetics?

Yes it can. Cold sores have been forming on me since I was a child. My mother gets them, my grandmother....You could say that I got it because my mother touched me when she had a cold sore or whatever. But I don't believe I can give cold sores to people that aren't infected with the virus. My father never got infected or at least the symptoms don't show in men. It seems that it's only the women that get them in my family.

What STD can you get from oral and fondling?

You can get herpes from kissing. You can get multiple STD's from kissing. If the person you are kissing has had any oral contact with an infectious STD and he/she kisses you, then you have an STD of the moouth. Ex. if the person you kissed has performed oral sex on the genital area where a person has an STD (i.e. gonorrea), he/she has gonorrea of the mouth, then he/she kisses you, now you have it. But if your friends has not has any sex what so ever then you can't get any other STDs,even if there is and STD in the saliva it would be too small to take affect on u and will automatically disappear

Related questions

Why do people who dont have herpes get cold sores?

A person has to be infected with the herpes virus (type 1) to get a cold sore.

Can a person who has genital herpes get a massage therapy license?

Yes! This is not a reason they would deny you a license. A reason for that would be mental capacity or criminal record.

If your mom had herpes would you be born with it?

You would only be likely to get herpes if your mother had genital herpes and you caught the infection when she had an outbreak at the time of birth. Most people don't get herpes at birth, even if their mothers are infected.

Is it possible to get a genital herpes to somebody not through sex but by just using someones panty?

The chance is very small. Once herpes hits air the virus will die almost instantly. Herpes isn't likely to rub on the surface of a towel, toilet, clothing or other items. If the herpes virus happened to rub on the surface of an item the virus would die before a person came in contact with the virus. Some studies report herpes could spread by sharing a drink but the chance is almost non existent. You can get genital herpes through genital-genital contact or genital-oral contact with someone who has herpes infection. The virus is most easily spread through contact with open sores. But you also can get the virus from skin that does not appear to have a sore. You can become infected with the herpes virus without having intercourse.

Can urine cure a cold sore?

No. If it did, genital herpes would get better a lot faster.

Can you get chlamydia from sitting right behind an infected person?

You can't get chlamydia from sitting right behind an infected person. Chlamydia is spread by sexual contact with someone who's infected. You can get it from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.

What would cause bump like sores around your anus?

It could either be hemmoroids or and STD such as genital herpes. Hemmoroids are caused from too much pressure or undue straining. Genital Herpes is an sexually transmitted disease.

I have herpes, my girlfriend touched my genitals last night, she washed afterward and went home, she just told me that she had a fever when she got home, which would be within an hour or 2 of touching me, could herpes fever happen that quickly?


Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

Can a baby get herpes from a diaper change?

I don't see how that could happen. If you talk mouth sores we all have that virus in us and no sexual contract is needed but if you talk genital herpes it could only happen if there was sexual contact (genitals against genitals) or if the person changing it had liquid from the blisters on his/hers hands when changing it. But that would also be weird since the blisters hurt a lot and the person would know about a outbreak. Or if the diaper had suck liquid on it. All in all it sounds strange and should be investigated by a doctor.

Can you get herpes thru someone towel?

It is possible, but not likely. The infected person would wipe the infected area with the washcloth, and the uninfected person would need to almost immediately wipe it on themselves to catch the virus.Herpes is a sexually transmitted Disease, i believe it only travels in sexual fluids, if anything got on the wash cloth, the vector inside the fluid would probably be long dead. Dont take my word for it, ask a doctor, just my educated guess.You would have to use the wash cloth with in seconds of some one with herpes using it in order to have any chance of that happening.Herpes doesn't survive for more then a few seconds in open air or on objects.Possible but not likely.You would have to use the wash cloth with in seconds of some one with a break out of herpes using it. Herpes doesn't like to live out side of the body for more then a few seconds.The herpes virus is very fragile and dies quickly outside of the human body.But the virus will live for a while in moist environments.It is a good idea not to share wash cloths.Yes ma'am, absolutly. Why would you even do that. wash the cloth, come on now!

How can an individual with herpes still maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Herpes is a virus that can appear either in the mouth area or in the genital area (HS-1 or HS-2). It causes the development of blisters that tend to scab over and heal with time (typically a few days.) It is not deadly. However, it is not curable either. People simply have to live with it. People who have Herpes can lead relatively normal lives. The issue of Herpes would only really come up under certain circumstances. For example, when people with Herpes have outbreaks, it can be both psychologically and physically uncomfortable. Herpes sores that appear in the mouth tend to be visible and thus makes the person uncomfortable. It is not recommended that people with visible mouth blisters kiss someone, as it is possible to transmit the virus this way. The issue of genital sores is equally uncomfortable as it may affect the sex lives of those infected and their partners. Again, the virus can be transmitted sexually. Most doctors would recommend that herpes patients refrain from unprotected sex during herpes outbreaks. Furthermore, studies have suggested that people can also transmit the virus to others even when obvious blisters are not present. Bottom line--there is no absolutely safe time for a herpes patient to have unprotected sex without risking infecting a partner.