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A line is not made up of points for the very reason that points have no dimension. It is absolutely impossible for things with no dimension, so matter how many are added, to ever equal something of one dimension.

It is easy to think of points as dots. Dots, however, are only representations of points to help us visualize pints. Although many dots added together can make a line, points cannot.

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Q: If a point has no dimension and a line is made up of points and has dimesnsions how can this be?
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A line is a series of points extending infinitely in opposite directions. Because a single point has no dimension we get only one dimension when we line the points up.

Point is to line as line is to?

Plane. A point has no dimension, a line has one dimension, and a plane has two dimensions.

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a point on a line

A point has zero dimension and a line has 2?

You are apparently referring to the Cartesian system of assigning x, y, and z coordinates to map out the relationship of objects in space. a point has to occur somewhere - and to define its location in two dimensions (like in a floor plan) you need to provide an x and a y dimension. If you want to describe the location of a point in three dimensional space you also need to provide a height above the ground - the z coordinate. A line is simply the direct path between two points in space. Thus, to draw a line you need two points. If you are asking how to measure these with a ruler, a point has no dimension. A line has only 1 dimension.

What dimension is a line segment?

A line has one dimension. You can figure out how many dimensions a shape has by asking yourself how many coordinates you need to find a point within that shape. The points on a line can be described by just one number each, so it has one dimension. The points on a plane need two numbers to describe them (x and y coordinates), so a plane has two dimensions.

What is a witness lines?

In CAD"A witness line is part of a dimension. It's the line that extends from the outside edges of the object being dimensioned, to where the dimension text is printed. It helps to point out what points on the object the dimension is measured from."Definition of witness, relating to witness lines"b. One who furnishes evidence."

A point has one dimension and a line has two?


A point has zero dimension and a line has one?


Is a line and point collinear?

If the point is not on the line, then no they are not collinear. But if that point is on the line, then they are collinear. Points on the same line are collinear. Points not on the same line are not collinear or non collinear.

What is the definition for datum dimension?

A dimension that exactly locates a reference point, reference line, or reference plane

Does a point have dimensions?

No; points are dimensionless, having neither height nor width nor breadth. Points mark specific locations, but they take up no space in any location. Euclid, the founder of geometry, defines a point as 'that which has no part' because only things with at least one dimension can be divided into parts.

Area between 2 points including thos 2 points?

An area can not be defined unless there are at minimum 3 distinct points defined. What you have with two points is a line, or line segment, which are of 1 dimension.