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t = 0.69 / r where r is the growth rate

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Q: If a population has a growth rate of 2.5 percent how long will it take to double?
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What does 100 percent chance of snow mean?

it will snow today or for however long

When is a t test better than a z score?

When you don't have the population standard deviation, but do have the sample standard deviation. The Z score will be better to do as long as it is possible to do it.

Why are sample used in statistics?

Because a sample is information obtained from the population that will be used in hypothesis testing. WER 1.19.2011 Samples are used to save time and money when the population is large and when the units must be destroyed to gain information.

What are some benefits and drawback of stratified sampling?

There are a number of benefits and drawbacks to stratified sampling. Two benefits are:You have a cross-section of the population, so this is more likely to be representative and thus easier to generalise.You are less likely to get a "freak" sample.Two drawbacks are:This is a very long and difficult form of sampling. It could be inconvenient or costly.You may not stratify the population by the relevant factors - what if their gender isn't important, but their economic bracket is?

How does a sample size impact the standard deviation?

If I take 10 items (a small sample) from a population and calculate the standard deviation, then I take 100 items (larger sample), and calculate the standard deviation, how will my statistics change? The smaller sample could have a higher, lower or about equal the standard deviation of the larger sample. It's also possible that the smaller sample could be, by chance, closer to the standard deviation of the population. However, A properly taken larger sample will, in general, be a more reliable estimate of the standard deviation of the population than a smaller one. There are mathematical equations to show this, that in the long run, larger samples provide better estimates. This is generally but not always true. If your population is changing as you are collecting data, then a very large sample may not be representative as it takes time to collect.

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Given a growth rate of 3 percent per year how long will it take for a population of 100000 individuals to double?

20 years

What is the Rule of 70 for population growth?

The rule of 70, for Population growth, is the process whereby you divide 70 by the population growth rate to have an estimate of how long it will take, in years, for the Country's population to double.

How long will it take the world population to double?

Sadly, the way babies are being continually aborted, not going to happen.

What describes a known long term relationship among poverty hunger and population growth?

As economic status improves population growth diminishes.

How long did the population double from 3 billion to 6 billion?

how long did it take to double from 3 billion to 6 billion

How long did it take for the population to double a second time?

33.4 years for south Africa to double

How long will it take to double the population of Mexico?

With a 2009 rate of natural increase in Mexico of 1.13%, its population would be expected to double in ~61 years.

How does India manage their population?

keeping a population check...even in rural areas.people should be made aware of the pros and cons of the increasing population.And letting them know that how population growth is going to effect them in long run...this might contribute in minimize the population growth.

In the long run potential growth in the economy and a rise in real GDP per capita might occur from all except?

growth in population

How long will it take 1000 to double 5.5 percent?

About 13 years at 5.5%

How long does it take 1300.00 to double at a rate of 4 percent?

17 years

It took 50 years for earth's human population to double from 1 billion how long did it take for the population to double again to 4 billion?

100 years