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The zygote would be diploid because the sex cell would have 46 chromosomes instead of 23 (2n instead of n) and the chromosomes would keep on multiplying in each generation. Ex: child would have 92 chromosomes and that child's child would have 184, etc

-Anonymous Mamba

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Nope, In humans, Zygotes reproduce via meiosis

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The zygote would have too many chromosomes and would not be able to funcion properly

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Q: After fertilization, how much of the chromosomes of both the sperm cell and the egg cell does the zygote have?
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What is a fertilized egg that has begun dividing into more cells?

Sexual reproduction involves two reproductive cells called gametes - the female ovum and the male sperm. Each gamete has half the number of chromosomes of a normal cell. During fertilization the sperm and ovum unite to form a single celled zygote. The zygote has chromosomes from both the ovum and the sperm. This zygote is capable of developing into an individual.

How many chromosomes do humans have in each of their reproductive cells why is it important?

In both an egg cell and a sperm cell, there are 23 chromosomes. The sperm and egg unite (fertilize) to create a zygote (fertilized egg). A zygote has 46 chromosomes. This is important because if a sperm and/or an egg cell have 1 more or 1 less chromosome, a mutation could form in the zygote.

Referring to chromosomes what is the zygote?

The usual number of chromosomes in a baby's cell ( zygote ) is 46 . 23 chromosomes from both the male's reproductive cell ( sperm ) and the female's reproductive cell ( egg ) .

What is the cell that results from fertilization?

The Cell formed after fertilization is Diploid cell, containing 23 pairs of Chromosomes. Each, Ovum and Sperm contains half number of Chromosomes out of 23 pairs present in both parents. So you have half Chromosomes(23) coming from mother and half from Father. So there is mixing of the genetic material witch gives large number of different types of individuals to the the Nature.

Where do the chromosomes within a fertilized egg come from?

The egg contains the genetic material of the female The sperm contains the genetic information of the male Once the egg is fertilised it contains the genetic information of both parents - male and female.

Related questions

What is a fertilized egg that has begun dividing into more cells?

Sexual reproduction involves two reproductive cells called gametes - the female ovum and the male sperm. Each gamete has half the number of chromosomes of a normal cell. During fertilization the sperm and ovum unite to form a single celled zygote. The zygote has chromosomes from both the ovum and the sperm. This zygote is capable of developing into an individual.

Is secondary spermatocyte haploid or diploid why?

secondary oocytes are haploid cells carrying 23 chromosomes. After fertilization by sperm a Zygote is formed with a diploid number 46.

How many chromosomes do humans have in each of their reproductive cells why is it important?

In both an egg cell and a sperm cell, there are 23 chromosomes. The sperm and egg unite (fertilize) to create a zygote (fertilized egg). A zygote has 46 chromosomes. This is important because if a sperm and/or an egg cell have 1 more or 1 less chromosome, a mutation could form in the zygote.

Which one does not belong and why egg sperm zygote?

Egg + sperm = zygote (fertilized egg)As a hypothetical: zygote does not belong in that list.The zygote being the result, the egg and the sperm being the starting process.Alternate answer:It could also be debated that the sperm does not belong on the list as the other two are eggs (one fertilized, one not).

Referring to chromosomes what is the zygote?

The usual number of chromosomes in a baby's cell ( zygote ) is 46 . 23 chromosomes from both the male's reproductive cell ( sperm ) and the female's reproductive cell ( egg ) .

What is the cell that results from fertilization?

The Cell formed after fertilization is Diploid cell, containing 23 pairs of Chromosomes. Each, Ovum and Sperm contains half number of Chromosomes out of 23 pairs present in both parents. So you have half Chromosomes(23) coming from mother and half from Father. So there is mixing of the genetic material witch gives large number of different types of individuals to the the Nature.

Where do the chromosomes within a fertilized egg come from?

The egg contains the genetic material of the female The sperm contains the genetic information of the male Once the egg is fertilised it contains the genetic information of both parents - male and female.

The offspring will have traits of both the mother and father Why?

during fertilization 23 chromosomes are coming from mother and 23 are coming from father and so a diploid condition is establishes in the zygote

Why is it neccessry to reduce the chromosome number of gametes but not other cells of an organism?

Gametes are sperm and egg cells. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, their genetic material is joined to form a new cell called a zygote. Because both the sperm and egg cells have half the number of chromosomes as in normal body cells, the zygote will have the full number of chromosomes as in normal body cells.

Why is it important that meiosis produces gametes that have only half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell?

It is important for gametes to have half the total chromosomes of body cells, because the gametes are the sperm and egg cells that unite during fertilization. When the sperm and egg unite, their chromosomes are combined to restore the total number of chromosomes in the first cell of the offspring, called the zygote.

In the whitefish how many chromosomes are there in a single set?

There are 40 chromosomes in a sperm cell of a white fish because the original number of chromosomes in a body cell is 80. Since the sex cells ( sperm and egg) each must contribute a set of chromosomes to the offspring, the sperm and egg both must have 40 chromosomes so they when the sperm and egg join or combine in a process known as fertilization, the offspring will have 80 chromosomes.

How is zygote different from daughter cells produced by asexual reproduction?

In sexual reproduction, a Zygote is accually the name for the egg (or ovum) that was fertalized by a sperm. In asexual reproduction where a daughter cell is produced, there is no fertilization. The "mother cell" duplicates itself to form another identical (or daughter) cell.