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Gaining an electron that has a negative charge would negatively charge the atom.

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14y ago

The net charge on that atom becomes one unit less positive,
or one unit more negative, than it was before.

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The atom become negative - anion.

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Q: When gaining electrons does an atom become negative or positive?
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Does boron become positive or negative when it loses electrons?

All atoms become positive ions when they lose electrons, and negative when they gain electrons.

If oxygen gains 2 electrons what charge will it have?

It would have a negative charge. It would be a negative ion with a 2+ charge.Remember: when an atom gains electrons they become NEGATIVE.when an atom loses electrons they become POSITIVE.

Why do objects become positively or negatively charged?

An item becomes positively or negatively charged through losing/gaining electrons. As electrons are lost the item becomes positive, and as electrons are gained the item becomes negative. (Electrons are negative charges and protons are positive charges.) An item cannot lose protons, as protons are fixed. Gaining/losing electrons can be gained by charging by friction, contact, or induction (through the air).

How does a ion become positive or negative?

The loss or gain of electrons

What ion is form when an atom gains electrons?

Typically, a negative ion is formed by gaining electrons. This is because electrons hvae a negative charge. An example of a case where a positive ion can be formed by gaining an electron is when an ion with a charge of +2 can gain 1 electron and become +1. Technically in this case, a positive ion was formed when an electron was gained but the trend was that the ion became more negative not positive.

Why does objects become positively charged if they lose electrons?

Losing electrons the positive charges become bigger than negative charges.

What causes an atoms to become positively or negatively charged?

The ratio of electrons (negative) to protons (positive.). An atom is nutruel in normal condition. It has positive proton and negative electron in a balanced form.when electrons emit from atoms than a positive charge form in atom. And vice versa.

How Does an atom become a positive ion and a negative ion?

This is by gaining (-) or losing (+) electrons

When lithium loses an atom does it become a negative or positive ion?

Lithium has 3 protons and 3 electrons.

What is the process of losing or gaining electrons to become stable?

The process of losing or gaining electrons to become stable is called ionization.

Do metals form positive ions?

No, metals do not form negative ions: Only non-metals form negative ions - this ability (to gain electrons) is intrinsic to the nature of non-metals. Only metals form positive ions - this ability (to lose electrons) is intrinsic to the nature of metals. A positive ion (cation) is formed by removing electron(s) from an atom or group of atoms. A negative ion (anion) is formed by gaining electron(s) an atom or group of atoms.

What happens if a particle has less protons than electrons?

The atom will become negatively charged (protons are positive and electrons are negative.)