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If the force is acting in the opposite direction to the movement, the object will slow down and then accelerate in the direction of the force.

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It depends which object has more force.

Answer:No, equal and opposite forces are neutral.
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Q: Can equal forces in opposite direction change an objects motion?
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What are equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions?

Equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions are called balanced forces. If they are on the same line of action, they are called couple forces.

If all forces are equal and opposite how does anything accelerate?

Because NOT all forces are equal and opposite. By Newton's Third Law, if object A attracts object B, then object B also attracts object A - with an equal but opposite force. But those forces act on DIFFERENT objects! The forces on object A, and on object B, may be unbalanced!Because NOT all forces are equal and opposite. By Newton's Third Law, if object A attracts object B, then object B also attracts object A - with an equal but opposite force. But those forces act on DIFFERENT objects! The forces on object A, and on object B, may be unbalanced!Because NOT all forces are equal and opposite. By Newton's Third Law, if object A attracts object B, then object B also attracts object A - with an equal but opposite force. But those forces act on DIFFERENT objects! The forces on object A, and on object B, may be unbalanced!Because NOT all forces are equal and opposite. By Newton's Third Law, if object A attracts object B, then object B also attracts object A - with an equal but opposite force. But those forces act on DIFFERENT objects! The forces on object A, and on object B, may be unbalanced!

What will happen if forces that act on an object are not balanced?

Then the objects will move in the direction of the resultant force.

In newtons third law the action and reaction forces?

The two forces are of the same magnitude, act in opposite directions, and act on different objects.

How do you equal and opposite forces acting on objects can produce vastly different accelerations?

They can't. The vector sum of equal and opposite forces is zero, and they can't produce any acceleration at all.

Related questions

What are the forces that result in no change in an objects. Motion?

Forces that are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acting on the same object will not create a change in said objects motion.

Is it true a balanced forces do not change an objects direction?

Yes, that is correct.

What are the Forces that result in no change in an object's motion?

Forces that are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acting on the same object will not create a change in said objects motion.

What is the amount of push and pull which can change speed and direction of moving objects?


Recognize that forces can change an objects speed or direction?

all external forces can change the velocity of a body e.g.(gravity,friction etc.)

When do two forces result in no motion?

Balanced forces do not result a change in motion. They are equal in size and opposite in direction.

What do balanced forces cause?

Balanced forces cause stationary objects to remain at rest and moving objects to come to rest. If on exact opposite direction - nothing. Else it will produce a resultant force.

Can forces change an objects direction?

If I am reading your question correctly, you want to now if balanced forces can change the direction an object is traveling. The answer is no. Balanced forces always produce no net change, hence the term "balanced". You need an unbalanced force to change the direction of an object, or to set an object in motion from a standstill.

Type of force can cause an object to change direction?

Any force will cause change in velocity (speed and/or direction)if it isn't canceled by an equal, opposite force.

An unbalanced force will not change an objects motion?

If the forces on an object are unbalanced then the objects motion will change. It will start accelerating in the direction of the resultant force. Only objects that have balanced forces will remain in the same motion (stationary or moving at a constant speed).

Examples of when a force causes an object to stop moving?

Take a ball and push it an angle yo direction of motion.what do you observe? Answer-change the angle of your hand with respect to the direction of motion of the ball.Does yoo effort result in change in direction of motion of ball?

What are the force acting on a fallen object what direction are these forces?

Assuming you mean "falling": the main forces are gravity (downward), and friction (in the direction opposite to the object's movement - for example, if the objects falls straight down, that would be upward).