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The father will be paying (or SHOULD be paying) child support at LEAST until the child turns 18, and could possibly have to pay longer depending on what a judge says. For instance, in some cases if the father is a college graduate, then some courts require them to pay some kind of support if the child continues through college.

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Q: If an underage teen is pregnant and the father was paying child support before the teen got pregnant does the father stop paying child support?
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If an underage teen is pregnant does the father of the underage teen have to pay child support or can the underage teen control that?

well yeh you have to give support you got her pregnant for the love of god

Does a father have to pay child support to the mother if their underage boy gets a girl pregnant?

Yes. In addition, he could also be ordered to pay additional support for the grandchild.

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If you are underage and pregnant and no longer with the baby's father who gets sole custody?

I believe that the mother should get custody and she gives the father a schedule to be on.

If you are underage and pregnant do you have the right to not say who the father is?

No-one can force you to do anything, they will try but its all up to you who you tell information too.

Can a pregnant mistress file charges to the father of his child for lack of support?

Yes, the father of the child is obligated to provide support.

Can you put yourself on child support if your baby momma is underage?

The father would have to establish paternity and acquire legal custody of the child.

The father of pregnant teenager pays child support will he have to continue child support?

Depends on the state.

Is it illegal for a 21 year old pregnant girl and the 16 year old father who will be 17 before the baby is born to put his name on the birth certificate without her being charged with a crime because?

If he does, the hospital is obligated to report sexual abuse of a minor to the police. You will be charged. If he doesn't, and he doesn't take care of his kid, you hvae to wait out the statute of limitations before you can go after him for child support. the 21 year old could be charged with rape because the father is underage.

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Does father still pay child support if daughter is pregnant?

If she is married, no. If she is unmarried, yes.