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Predict if atoms of chlorine and fluorine easily take on 1 additional electron, which other kinds of atoms will also have this chemical property

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Q: If atoms of chlorine and fluorine easily take on one additional electron Predict which other kinds of atoms will also have this chemical property?
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How is the electron structure similar in fluorine and chlorine?

Electronic configuration: - Chlorine: [Ne]3s23p5 - Fluorine: 1s22s22p5

Write the noble-gas electron abbreviation of chlorine?

The electron configuration of fluorine is 1s2 2s2 2p5.

Which has higher electron affinity fluorine or chlorine?

Fluorine has higher electron affinity than any other element.

Does Iodine have less electron affinity than fluorine?

Yes. It's true. Chlorine has the highest electron affinity, then Fluorine, Bromine and Iodine

Why the electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine?

Generally electron affinity goes up as you go from left to right across the Periodic Table, and decreases as you go down a column. However, fluorine is an exception -- and the element with the highest electron affinity is chlorine (note that the most electronegative element is fluorine however).The reason that the electron affinity is not as high as might otherwise be predicted for fluorine is that it is an extremely small atom, and so it's electron density is very high. Adding an additional electron is therefore not quite as favorable as for an element like chlorine where the electron density is slightly lower (due to electron-electron repulsion between the added electron and the other electrons in the electron cloud).Note that there are a number of other exceptions to the general rule of electron affinity increasing towards the upper right corner -- see the Related Questions links to the left for an explanation of some of those other exceptions.See also the Web Links to the left for more information about electron affinities and the fluorine-chlorine exception.

Which has highest electron gain enthalpy between chlorine and fluorine and why?

Even though Fluorine has the highest electronegativity among all the elements and it should have the highest electron gain enthalpy among all the halogens but this is an exception and chlorine has higher electron gain enthalpy than Fluorine. The reason for this is that the size of Fluorine atom is very small and hence there is very high inter-electronic repulsion among the electrons of fluorine. This makes incoming of another electron not very favourable. Even though fluorine has large negative electron gain enthalpy but for chlorine its even more negative.

What is the chemical ratio of carbon to chlorine to fluorine?


Do fluorine and chlorine have same electron valence configuration?

Both fluorine and chlorine have seven valence electrons. In the case of fluorine they're in n=2 and in the case of fluorine they're in n=3, but other than that they're the same.

Why do chlorine fluorine and bromine act in a similar way?

Chlorine , fluorine ,and bromine belongs to halogen family. They have 7 valence electrons and gains 1 electron to form anions.

Do fluorine and chlorine have the same chemical properties?

No. No two elements have the same chemical properties. However, the chemical properties of fluorine and chlorine are similar. Since they are similar, they are placed in the same group, group 17, on the periodic table.

Why does chlorine have more electron affinity than fluorine although it is below fluorine in periodic table?

Generally electron affinity goes up as you go from left to right across the periodic table, and decreases as you go down a column. However, fluorine is an exception -- and the element with the highest electron affinity is chlorine.(Note that the most electronegative element is fluorine however; 'electronegativity' is not exactly the same as 'electron affinity'.)Electronegativity is the ability of an atom in a molecule to draw bonding electrons to itselfElectron affinity is a measure of the energy change when an electron is added to a neutral atom to form a negative ion.The reason that the electron affinity is not as high as might otherwise be predicted for fluorine, is that it is an extremely small atom, and so it's electron density is very high. Adding an additional electron is therefore not quite as favorable as for an element like chlorine where the electron density is slightly lower (due to electron-electron repulsion between the added electron and the other electrons in the electron cloud).

Why are fluorine and chlorine in the same group?

Both have one electron vacancy in their valency orbital.