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Q: If i you have missed your period for three days now. on the 14Th day after the first day of my period you had sex could you be pregnant?
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No missed period could you still be pregnant?

In some cases when you are first pregnant you can still menstrate but I don't know how common that is.

You were suppose to start your period on the tenth of July but missed it and started the thirty first of July and you feel like you could be pregnant Why is this?

you could be having a miscarriage

What should you do if you are 14 and missed your period the last two months?

first, if you have had sexual intercourse, you very well could be pregnant. if you are very athletic, that could cause missed period. And last, the most common thing is stress. good luck!

Could you be pregnant if you missed the first birth control pill after your period but doubled up the next day and then had unprotected sex 3 days after?


Could you be pregnant if your period was light and short for the first time?

could you be pregnant if you period was short and light

Can you be pregnant and get a not pregnant reading on a test?

Yes. Wait about a week after the first day of your missed period and take the test using your first urination of the morning.

Could slight cramping below the belly button and sore breasts be a sign of pregnancy even if they appear before your missed period and you don't have any other symptoms?

this could be a sign of pregnancy however this could be a sign that youmay be soon due to start your period. a home test will be able to tell you if you are pregnant the first day that your period is late. as when first pregnant you may not have all the symptoms at once.

You were seven days late for your period could you still be pregnant?

It is possible. I suggest you take a test. Your first sings will be a missed period, swollen tender breasts, weight gain, morning sickness etc.

Your period was the normal 5 days but it was lighter then normal and your breast itchy and red could you be pregnant?

When in doubt, take a pregnancy test. Usually the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period and sore breasts.

Is it normal for a girl of the age of 16 to have a missed period after her first time having sex?

You can get pregnant even the first time. If you are regular and have missed, you need to do a test. Good luck.

Your last period was very light just spottingand you missed your period this month you took a home pregnancy test it is positivehow far could you be?

you last period may have not been your "period" it could have been implantation bleeding, which occurs about 3-4 weeks after conception (or 5-6 weeks after first missed period). alot of women can confuse this with their period so i would say its possible that you could be about 2.5 months pregnant - almost in your second trimester! but you may just be 4-6 weeks pregnant too; the first ultra sound will give the doctor a better indication.

I have missed my first period in twenty- two years I am thirty seven and i know that i am not pregnant what could it be?

menopaus you old slut. menopaus you old slut. menopaus you old slut.