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Looks like you need to consult a local attorney for state specific advice.

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Q: If it says on your loan papers that after 7 days you will be charged a late fee is it legal in KY to repossess on the 6th day?
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Is it legal for a car dealer to repossess a vehicle after 27 days late on payment?

Depends on your jurisdiction. If you're late on a payment for just 1 month, it's legal for the car dealer to repossess your vehicle, but 27 days seems a bit uncalled for.

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Is it legal without notice to repossess a vehicle in Indiana for being 12 days late on one payment?

Depends entirely on what the contract you signed says. If you are 1 day late they may be able to repossess the vehicle if that is what the contract says and what your state laws are regarding repossessions. Read your contract.

If you are only 10 days behind on your payment can the Financial Institution repossess your car?


Can your car be legally repossessed in 4 days they gave you a letter saying you had 10 days?

When they send the letter, it's ten days from the time the letter was drafted. As for when they can repossess legally, that's a matter of your contract, and the laws of your state. Repossession agents and creditors stay pretty up-to-date on legal issues, and if they've repossessed your car, it's probable that they did it in a timeframe where it was legal for them to do so.

Would a finance company repossess your car if you only have three payments left but are more than 30 days late?

Yes, they will repossess if you have only one payment left.

How many days must a vehicle loan be late before it is repossessed?

They usually repossess when you miss two or three payments. They seldom repossess if you've just missed one.

In Oregon if you make a payment on your loan can they repossess 2 weeks later if the payment only brings the account from 90 to 30 days past due?

READ your contract. IF you are in default, they can repossess.

How many days does a car lot have to give you before they repossess your car?

Usually no longer then a month

When can hsbc repossess a car?

i know that one of the requirements is that the account has to be passed due for 60 days.

How many days late can you be before a company can repossess a car in NJ?

The lender CAN repo when you are 1 (one) day late.