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There is no special risk from getting pregnant right after you stop using the IUD.

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Q: If just took out my IUD and that week i got pregnant are you at risk?
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Can you get pregnant after not taking your birth control pill for a week?

its not guaranteed to get pregnant BUT the risk is definitely increased

If you took your pills in the wrong order and took the last week first are you still covered if you began taking the first week right away?

If you had sex during that first week, you could very easily get pregnant. Those are just sugar/iron pills. Taking the first week immediately won't have much a difference. It takes 1-3 weeks for the pill to be fully effective. If you are already pregnant, that won't change simply because you started taking the pills. The pill has little risk to the fetus. If you suspect you may be pregnant, don't take that first week and find out for sure if you are or are not pregnant. In fact, call your doctor right now and see what you can find out. Good luck :)

Do your chances of becoming pregnant increase a week into birth control?

No, birth control decreases your risk of getting pregnant.

Can you have a miscarriage while being 3 weeks pregnant?

yes,miscarriage is a great risk of a 3 week pregnant woman.

You just had your implanon taking fast can you get pregnant if you had no periods during the three months you had it in and started bleeding lightly a week after you took it out?

You can get pregnant immediately after removal of the implant. Use another method if you don't want to be pregnant now.

Can you get pregnant during the placebo week?

If you took the active BCP as directed you do not have to worry about pregnancy during the week of placebo pills.

Could i be pregnant if i took antibiotic two week's ago?

Yes. Antibiotics are not a contraceptive.

Is baby at risk if you get pregnant one week after stopping birth control pills?

No, you and your baby should be fine.

What are chances of getting pregnant if you remove your patch on day 6 before patch free week?

Your risk of pregnancy isn't increased on Day 6 before the patch free week if you remove the patch that day. Just be sure to have no more than a seven-day break before putting on the next patch, or you could be at risk of pregnancy in that week.

You took the nuva ring off that same day your partner finished inside of you what percentage is there for you being pregnant?

If you used Nuva Ring correctly in the previous three weeks, there is no increased risk of pregnancy during the ring-free week.

I took Motrin for cramping 2 weeks after conception before finding out I was pregnant a week later is this dangerous?

You can talk to your Dr but you're more than likely just fine.

How can i become pregnant in one week?

Just have unprotected sex.