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if two normal glands are left behind, hypoparatyroidism will not ensue

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Q: If only two parathyroid glands were inadverently removed during thyroid surgery can a person develop hypoparathyroidism?
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What is the condition known as hypoparathyroidism?

Occasionally, too much parathyroid tissue is removed, and a person may develop hypoparathyroidism (under-functioning of the parathyroid glands).

Why would someone get Hypoparathyroidism after a thyroidectomy?

This can occur if the parathyroid glands are injured or removed at the time of the thyroidectomy.

What risks are associated with thyroidectomy?

Nerve damage is more apt to occur in people who have large goiters or cancerous tumors. Hypoparathyroidism (underfunctioning of the parathyroid glands) can occur if the parathyroid glands are injured or removed

Can you remove your thyroid without removing your parathyroid and if so how?

The surgeon will try to identify and preserve your parathyroid glands if possible. Unfortunately this difficult and sometimes impossible as these glands are very tiny and literally embedded in the thyroid. If the parathyroids are inadvertently removed it results in a condition called "hypoparathyroidism," which is common and treatable.

What if all parathyroid glands are removed?

Removing the parathyroid glands will lead to a decrease in the blood level of calcium leading different levels of tetanus.

What to do if you have parathyroid glands?

Everyone has parathyroid glands... 4 of them. If you have a problem with them they can be removed or controlled by chemicals... symptoms include muscle weakness and an elevated level of blood calcium.

What would cause depressed levels of calcium after a thyroidectomy?

The parathyroid glands are located behind the thyroid gland and are often accidentally removed with the thyroid in a thyroidectomy. The parathyroid gland makes parathyroid hormone (PTH), which normally causes an increase in blood calcium levels. If the parathyroid is lost, so is the PTH, and thus the blood calcium is lower.

What steps are taken after a parathyroid gland is confirmed to be diseased?

The diseased glands are then removed, and the incision is closed and covered with a dressing.

What is considered a successful parathyroidectomy?

The surgery progresses normally if the diseased parathyroid glands are located and removed from the neck region.

A patient is diagnosed with thyroid cancer later had her thyroid gland removed explain why this person was prescibed calcium and hormone supplementation?

Because they Thyroid makes its own natural hormones. When it was removed the body needed a new place for the hormones to come from.Actually, the thyroid itself has little to do with calcium. so the answer is only partially correct. Embedded in the thyroid tissue there are 4 little glands, the parathyroids. These produce a hormone called parathyroid hormone or PTH. PTH stimulates calcium absorption in the instestine, calcium reabsorption in the kidneys and liberates calcium from the bones. Hence the need for the calcium supplement.The thyroid gland produces many hormones that are necessary for normal body function. When the gland is removed (a thyroidectomy) the deficiency of these hormones results in hypothyroidism without external treatment - hormone therapy. Calcium (and vitamin D) are necessary to prevent hypocalcemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism, that is, a low level of of calcium in the blood (very serious) due to insuffient parathyroid hormone levels (parathyroid hormone functions to increase blood levels of calcium).

How is advanced hyperparathyroidism cured?

Patients with more advanced hyperparathyroidism will usually have all or half of the affected parathyroid gland or glands surgically removed

Is the parathyroid gland necessary?

Not all 4 are necessary, they control your emtions. If all 4 are removed you will be placed on medication to help control your mood. My mother has had 3 removed and she is fine and lives without medication.