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The stomach lining is impervious to the acids in the stomach, therefore the digestive enzimes and acids do not have the ability to digest the stomach. Also raw meat is not immediately digested by the stomach, some people have had up to 5 lbs. of undigested raw meat in their intestines at times of surgury and autopsy.

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11y ago

Its inside wall is protected by a layer of mucus. If this breaks down, the stomach may start digesting itself and cause ulcers.

Also, the stomach does not really "eat" anything. It partially breaks down food without absorbing it. That happens later in the intestines.

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this is because in the stomach there is mucus secreted by some specialized cell; mucus will protect the stomach from the hydrolytic reaction of the gastric juice.

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14y ago

our stomach has a chemical which lines the stomach and acts like a base which keeps it from digesting itself

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Q: Why does your stomach not digest itself if it can digest raw meat?
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Is human being stomach is made to digest raw meat?

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Do ferret eat raw meat?

Yes. Raw meat, bones, and organs are the best diet for a ferret. They are obligate carnivores and their digestive system can only digest meat.

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Nobody is a hundred percent sure, but some experts believe that the appendix is the organ that digests raw meat. In the 21st century us humans do not necessarily need the appendix (if it is true that it only digests raw meat).

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Yes. Raw meat, bones, and organs are the best diet for a ferret. They are obligate carnivores and their digestive system can only digest meat.

Do animals and humans have the same risk when eating raw meat?

Dogs in particular digest the bulk of their food in their stomachs (unlike humans who digest mostly in their intestines). Dogs stomachs contain more acids than the human stomach and therefore can usually destroy bacteria that would normally make humans sick. Dogs with weak immune systems, or puppies could be more susceptible to becoming sick from raw meat that is tainted.

How do house cats digest their food?

Cats, just like all other animals, digest food in their stomach. The stomach breaks down the food quickly and effectively in order to provide the rest of the body with energy and nutrients. House cats have the same digestion as wild cats do; they are efficient at breaking down and gaining all needed nutrients from fresh, raw meat.

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appendix, used to produce chemicals to digest raw meat, and now not really needed

Does it hurt to feed a rottweiler raw meat and bones?

No, not at all. Feeding a dog a diet (or even as a treat) of raw meat, organs and bones is said to be incredibly beneficial to the the animal, and with limited risk. Raw meat is easier to digest than cooked meat, as they are perfectly adapted to eat raw meat, organs and even bone and to digest it all quickly and efficiently. Raw meat and bones has been said to aid in keeping a dog's teeth clean and free of plaque. Always practice safe food handling techniques when handling ANY raw meat - whether it is for you or your pet. It might be advisable to take extra care with very young, very old or dogs with compromised immune systems.

Are raw eggs nice with cheese?

It is never good to eats raw eggs or meat. It is full of bacteria and will hurt your stomach. And the answer is no. Raw eggs are good with NOTHING.

What kinda of people live in tundra?

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