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Unable to answer with any specifics because every jurisdiction has different guidelines and procedures that govern the offer of this type of alternative sentencing.

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Q: If someone has a DUI conviction that is four years old then is arrested for misdemeanor theft does that person qualify for some type of diversion?
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Can you qualify for the TSA global entry with a misdemeanor conviction?

Only rarely can you become a TSA with a misdemeanor. The actual type of crime and outcome of the trial would affect employment and in general the FAA does not hire anyone with any criminal record.

Does a conviction of class b misdemeanor come off your record?

Not automaltically. Unless you were convicted before you were 18 years of age it will remain a permanent part of your criminal history record unless, if you qualify, you apply to have it expunged.

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Depends on what you were convicted of incidental to the arrest (an arrest is not the same as a conviction, in which case you would have pled guilty or no contest, or been found guilty, in a court of law).

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If you qualify for it, you can petition to have the conviction expunged.

How can I get a misdemeanor removed from your record in Arizona?

If you qualify you may file the proper application paperwork. See below link to see if you qualify:

Can you get a hunting license with a criminal record?

NOAdditional: The level of criminal offense is not given in the question.If a convicted felon, SOME states will deny felons hunting licenses - some will not. HOWEVER: you may NOT hunt with a firearm or modern blackpowder arm i fyou are a felon.If a misdemeanor conviction, you will probably qualify.

Does a misdemeanor theft conviction of less than 100 in Montana ever come off your record?

Only if the offense occurred prior to your 18th birthday, otherwise ALL criminal acts remain on your record forever. If you qualify, you may wish to look into having the record expunged in your state.

Can you get Probation for a class 1 misdemeanor?

If you have a good record, or no record, and the judge thinks you qualify, and are a good risk.

Why can't you get a misdemeanor expunged?

You will have to consult the state law of the state in which you were convicted. Not everyone nor every offense will qualify for expungement.

If you have an 11 year old misdemeanor and was not convicted should it have been removed?

Unless the offense occurred prior to your 18th birthday any adult criminal conviction will be a permanent part of your criminal history record. They do not "go away" over time. You can check out your states expungement law, and, if you qualify, you may wish to take action to have the offense removed.

How long do felonies stay on your record in Georgia?

however after so many years 7 i think it cant be held against you when applying for a job. A felony and/or misdemeanor conviction stays on your record for life. Unless you can get it expunged.

Can you get a Class A Simple Possession conviction expunged if you plead guilty in Tennessee?

You must first determine if you qualify for it. See below link: