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Yes, it does not matter if you have your own policy or are listed on someone else's policy, you will be surcharged for the DUI probably for the next 5 years.

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Q: If someone was convicted of a DUI but the insurance policy is under someone else's name will the insurance ever find out?
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Your rates should not go up for someones violations unless they are listed on the policy.

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No, in the state of Mass where i am from, the insurance is covered for your car only. It will not follow you if you choose to drive another vehicle. You may want to check the state your are in if this is different, as they may have a different type of policy you can purchase that will cover you. With my experience, the only insurance you have is your health insurance if you are driving another persons vehicle.

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This can probably vary from state to state. I was able to add a car registered in my bosses name on my insurance, but he had to listed as another driver. Sometimes the registered person will have to be added to your insurance policy. It may also vary by insurance carrier. your best solution is to call your insurance company and ask them their policy on this or when callin to get insurance quotes - ask.

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You home owners liability insurance should cover it.