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I have eczema too and you may want to check with your doctor first, but I use Aveeno Oatmeal bath to help soothe the itch. Try to keep him out of the sun, as sweating and overheating only makes it worse. The Aveeno Oatmeal baths are great, just let him soak in the tub with warm water, not hot. Also, keep the areas moisturized! The more dry the skin the worse. Use non-scented lotions and soaps. Cetaphil, found at any local drugstore, is good for b/c there is no scent or dyes and it's not greasy feeling like some of the other super moisturizing lotions. Hope this helps!

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Q: If son is one and a half and his eczema is not clearing up what can you use for itching?
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Can eczema go to one dog to another dog?

No, eczema is not contagious. If your dog has eczema you should ask your vet. I know one cause of eczema can be from the diet the dog is on so it's a simple change of the food.

Where can one learn more about Eczema online?

The National Eczema Association maintains an official website where one can go to learn about eczema symptoms, treatments, and support. Websites like Wikipedia, WebMD, and MedicineNet have articles with information about eczema available online as well.

How to Treat and Prevent Eczema Outbreak?

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin, also called atopic dermatitis. People of any age can suffer from eczema but it is the most common in infants. Half of the infants will be eczema-free by age 3 and others will have it recurring at various times throughout their lives. Eczema is not contagious and is hereditary. Several members in one family is likely to have it.Eczema is characterized by intense itching which can occur anywhere on the body but it more common on face, neck, ankles, on the inner side of elbows and knees. It can appear as patches of dry, scaly skin. Children often scratch, thus causing the skin to become thicker and crusty. It is also common to see oozing lesions.Treatments of eczema vary depending on the type of condition, its severity and the patient’s age. It is common to prescribe corticosteroid creams to control the itching. If itching is intense, doctor can prescribe oral antihistamines. Oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, can be also prescribed during an outbreak of eczema. Prednisone can have harmful side effects and can not be prescribed for a long-term use. Doctors can also prescribe immune suppressing drugs to treat some cases of eczema. Also, phototherapy is successful in treating some types of this condition.As a preventive measure, the skin needs to be well-hydrated. Using lotions and creams with low water and high oil content will prevent outbreaks. The person with eczema should avoid over-bathing. It can dry the skin and trigger outbreaks. The person should use warm, not hot water and mild soap when bathing. The triggers for eczema can be perfumes, detergents, soaps, jewelry and cleaners. Synthetic fabrics can also irritate the skin. Doctors recommend wearing loose, cotton clothing. Women should wear gloves when doing chores that involve water. Patches of eczema can be irritated by sweat, humidity and excess of water. Although eczema can not be prevented, practicing good hygiene is the key in avoiding the outbreaks.

What are some natural options for eczema relief?

Eczema can be relieved by altering one's diet. One may consider removing gluten and dairy from their diet, as eczema may be an allergic reaction to these food types.

What can be used for eczema?

Aloe Vera - You have to cut the aloe vera in half then get the fluid. Apply it to the affected part for one week and you will see that the eczema dries out and completely healed.If you cannot find Aloe Vera I recommend the emergency spray and Propolis cream from www.discoverlr.comHigh pure AV.

Where can one purchase an eczema cream?

Eczema cream can be purchased online direct from pharmacists. Lloydspharmacy has a website where you can search a wide range of specialised eczema creams. Alternatively you can order from boots, which offer a cheaper range on some eczema creams.

Is itching a symptom of dengue?

Itching is one of the symptoms of Dengue Fever. The itching can be severe and can happen all over the body.

Can you die from eczema because your sister said you can die from it and you are 11 years old?

Eczema is a chronic skin condition. No one dies from eczema. There are medication creams that help treat it. But it can return.

What causes pubic itching?

There is only one pubic louse, and it causes itching.

How can you find some pictures of eczema on the human body?

One can find pictures of eczema on the human body by checking in medical books for eczema. These books can be found at in local hospital's medical library.

Where can one find cures for facial eczema?

One can see a dermatologist to find cures and remedies for facial eczema. There are various medicines which one can use to treat and prevent future outbreaks.

What is the actual purpose of a clearing house?

There is one actual purpose of a clearing house. A clearing house stands between two clearing firms and reduces the risk of a clearing firm failing to honor its trade settlement obligations.