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I wouldn't suggest it

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Q: If the bread has white mold on it will you get sick if you eat the bread?
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What does bread eat?

well if you eat bread mold there is a toxic kind substance where you could get real sick.

Will moldy bread harm humans i do not now srry good luck to you humans tat eat it?

Most moldy bread will harm people that eat it. Some mold will not make you sick. Some mold will make you sick. Some mold will make you extremely sick. Unless you know the particular type of mold will not make you sick or kill you, you should not eat it.

Can bread mold make you sick?

you will get sick weather you dont want to but if you eat the molded bread you will be throwing up and way worse.

Does mould on food such as leftovers bread and jelly give you cancer?

Mold cannot give you cancer; however, it can make you sick and you should not eat it or give it to the birds, as they will become ill also. If you accidently eat bread with a little mold it won't make you sick, but if you persist on eating a lot of mold the above poster is correct. During hot weather I keep my bread in the fridge. Warmth and the yeast in the bread is what causes mold, so get that bread in the fridge!

What turns Bread blue black?

It sounds like you have mold on your bread...........Dont eat can get sick and die,seriously, throw it away!

What decomposers eat bread?


Can you eat bread that is not molded but there's some mold in the bag?

no because the mold might have affected the bread.

How does bread mold feed off of bread?

they eat dog poo

Does anything eat black bread mold?


What happened if you eat mold?

If you eat mold you can either get sick or you can please don't eat it All real cheese is produced by mold. Mold is the origin of penicillin. Mold and mushrooms are both fungus and fungus is good on pizza...Take a big bite!

If you can't see mold on the bread is it safe?

I have eaten bread that tasted of mold, but did not see it on the piece I ate but found mold at the other end of the loaf. Generally, if I don't find any mold anywhere on the bread, I figure it is OK to eat.

What is red mold and is it harmful?

I did an experiment, i am still working on it, but I started an experiment testing which kind of bread would start to process mold faster, white bread with no water on it, or white bread with a lot of water on it. What I did was I took 2 pieces of bread, put 1 in a bag, and put a tablespoon of water on the other, then put that one in another bag. On the 10th day, the bread with water on it grew normal, green mold, after the 13th day, I realized that there were a type of red mold on the bread. Red mold is a type of any mold, and given a different color, like, blue mold, green mold, or brown mold, exept, only created by adding alot of water to a kind of food that obsorbs it, in about 10-15 days, you find red mold. Red mold is not harmful, unless you eat it. Red mold could rub on your skin, and still not be infected, unless you were to rub the mold on a cut. When red mold is eaten with out being processed into something like cheese, the red mold will survive the stomach acid, and will cause pain in your bladder. The red mold will get caught in your bladder and will require surgery to get it out. Think of it this way, cheese is a form of mold, if you like to eat cheese, it is like you are saying you like to eat mold.