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Q: If the chromosome number of a chimpanzee is 48 how many dyads?
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Chromosome number of neem 2n=2x=24

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How many genes do cells obtain?

The number of genes varies from chromosome to chromosome and the number of chromosomes varies from species to species (from as few as 1 single chromosome per cell to as many 30,000 chromosome pairs per cell). Human cells have 23 chromosome pairs per cell.

How many genes does the chromosome carry?

The number of genes varies. Most of any chromosome consists of non-coding DNA, which does not contain any genes. Each chromosome has many chromatins. One gene consists of many chromatins. Therefore, one chromosome could have many genes.

How many DNA molecules are in a chromosome just before mitiosis?

There are twice the usual number of chromosomes, but the same number of DNA molecules per chromosome.

How many syllables in chimpanzee?

There is 3 syllables in chimpanzee

How many chromosomes form after mitosis?

There is no reduction in number of chromosome

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it multiplies itself

How many pages does The Third Chimpanzee have?

The Third Chimpanzee has 364 pages.

How many chromosome pairs are in a species with a haploid number of 68?

68 pairs .