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If you suspect that you may be pregnant and are having these symptoms go to your doctor and ask them to have a blood test done sooner is better then later because if you are pregnant you can start your prenatal care to be sure that you have the healthiest pregnancy and best experience possible hope this helps, Good Luck and God Bless!

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Q: If two home pregnancy tests are negative but you have puffy and darkening nipples fatigue and sickness should you get a blood test done and if so how soon?
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What are the symptoms of being pregnant before your missed period?

-Implantation Bleeding (Spotting) -Delay or a Difference in Menstruation -Swollen and/or Tender Breasts -Fatigue/Tiredness -Nausea/Morning Sickness -Backaches -Headaches -Frequent Urination -Darkening of Areolas -Food Cravings These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms in the different stages of pregnancy?

Some symptoms that a person will experience during different stages of pregnancy are swollen feet, cravings, morning sickness, fatigue, and the movements of the baby.

What are all the early signs of pregnancy?

they vary depending on the person and depending how pregnant you are.missing your period and breast tenderness were the first symptoms I experienced. Then I was onto morning sickness (should be called all-day-and-night sickness)Then there are food cravings, darkening of the nipples, frequent urination, fatigue, headaches?But again, this varies from person to person. Some of the lucky ones don't get many symptoms at all!missed period, fatigue, frequent urinationFeeling tired, nauseated, tender breasts, increased appetite, etc.

What are some methods to detect pregnancy?

* home pregnancy test * schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN Symptoms * missed period * swollen/tender breasts * changes in color of the breasts * fatigue

Do you get symptoms before pregnancy?

There is actually a lot ofsymptoms of pregnancy. Keep in mind pregnancy symptoms differ from women to women and pregnancy to pregnancy. Symptoms include: Missed Menstrual cycle, Implantation bleeding, Delay/Difference in Menstruation, Swollen/Tender Breasts, Fatigue/Tiredness, Nausea/Morning Sickness, Backaches, Headaches, Frequent Urination, Darkening of Areolas, and Food Cravings. And dont forget! Use a PurpleCondom! :]

What are pregnancy signs?

One of the main symptoms of pregnancy is a late menstrual cycle. Some other symptoms of pregnancy are nausea/morning sickness, swollen or tender breasts, and fatigue. For more information on signs of pregnancy go to

What are some of the pregnancy symptoms to look out for?

Every woman is different so pregnancy symptoms vary among people. Some things to look out for are spotting, cramping, breast changes, fatigue, and morning sickness.

Symptoms if u pregnant?

Light spotting and cramping, sore breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, a missed period, and mood swings are all signs of pregnancy.

Systems of being pregnant?

do u mean symptoms? and if u do, most of the symptoms relating to pregnancy r: implantation bleeding, delay/difference with your period, swollen/tender breasts, fatigue/tiredness, nausea/morning sickness, backches, headaches, frequent urination, darkening of your areolas otherwise known as the skin around your nipples, food cravings, and weight gain. hope that helps

What are the first symptoms of a pregancy?

symptoms for pregnancy can be different. The first one is missing or delayed your monthly menstrual cycle. Implantation bleeding occurs 6-12 days after conception and can cause spotting and cramping. It is when embryo puts itself on uterine wall. Most commonly fatigue, swollen or tender breast, morning sickness, frequent urination, backaches, headaches, food cravings and darkening of Areolas.

Pregnant Symptoms?

Pregnancy can be an exciting and scary thing. It is a life changing event that brings years and years of joy. Not know the symptoms of pregnancy can make it even scarier. Below are some common symptoms of pregnancy that you may or may not experience. Keep in mind that everyone is different and not all women will experience the same symptoms. Missed or Delayed Menstrual Cycle One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is a missed menstrual cycle. Although not every pregnant woman misses cycles when pregnant, the majority of the population does. Once a woman has become pregnant. she should miss her next menstrual cycle, however, many women do spot or bleed while pregnant. Fatigue/Tiredness Many women experience fatigue and tiredness in the beginning of pregnancy. This can occur as early as the second week of implantation. The body seems to go into overdrive while the implantation process is taking place. Nausea or Morning Sickness Aside from a missed menstrual cycle, nausea or morning sickness is the most common sign of pregnancy. Morning sickness can start as early as the 4th week of pregnancy. Some women are fortunate enough to not have any sickness at all, while others can experience it for the entire duration of the pregnancy. Frequent Urination During pregnancy, the expanding uterus puts more pressure on the bladder, therefore causing more frequent urination. This typically starts in the early weeks of pregnancy and will subside in the middle and then likely return towards the end. Headaches Due to the rise of the hormones during pregnancy, some women experience mild headaches. This symptom can also be temporary, or can last throughout the pregnancy. They will typically subside after delivery if they persist the entire pregnancy. Darkening of the Areola The hormones that produce during pregnancy causes a darkening of the areola on the breast. This will typically go away one you have delivered the child. Food Cravings Some women have severe food cravings during the entire pregnancy. Foods that you may have never liked may suddenly be appealing to you.

Do you start to have fatigue in your first month of pregnancy?

I had no fatigue with my first. I was constantly tired for the whole first trimester with my second. Only slight fatigue with my third. It totally depends every pregnancy is different