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Yes because the sand adds more mass to the mass of the water, therefore the density and volume also change

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Q: If you add water to sand does the volume density and mass change?
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Related questions

Does the volume of water change the density of water?

Density = mass / volume. So if the volume changes, the density will obviously also change.

What are factors that can change the density of water?

mass and volume

Does changing the volume of water chang the density?

Density = mass / volume. So if the volume changes, the density will obviously also change.

What are the two factors that can change the density of water?

Mass and volume.

What is the meaning of water density?

Density is mass per unit volume of a substance. The Mass and volume of water is in the ratio of 1:1 .There fore the density of water is 1. With rise and decrease of temperature the volume increases or decreases to change the water density.

How could you find the density of water?

density = mass/volume Determine the mass and volume of the water, and then divide the mass by the volume, and that will give you the density.

Find the density of water?

Measure out a specific volume of water, such as 100mL. Determine the mass of that volume of water. Density = mass/volume, so divide the mass by the volume, and you will have the density.

When mass and volume change what happens to the density?

When mass increases and volume stays constant, the density increases. When volume increases and mass stays constant the density decreases. When they both change, then the density will depend on the rate of change of mass and the rate of change of volume.

Can a increase in density result from an increase in mass and no change in volume?

Yes. Density is mass/volume so if mass increases so does density if volume does not change

Is the density of 8ml of water the same as the density of 4ml of water?

yes. the density of a element will not change only the mass and volume will.

Why does the density of an object have no effect after it is changed?

If you mean why does the density of an object not change when it undergoes a physical change such as a change of shape then the answer is because density is a chemical trait found by dividing the mass by the volume and if you modify the volume then the mass will also be modified for example water has a density of 1 g/cm^3 meaning if you have 3 grams of water it takes up 3 cm^3 even if you change the mass when you change the mass you are also changing the volume same goes if you change the volume you change the mass. In other words mass and volume are relative to each other and when you divide mass by volume you get a number the density the density represents a ratio for water the density is 1 g/cm^3 the ratio of mass to volume is 1:1,1/1, or 1 to 1 meaning for every cm^3 you have of water you will have an equivalent amount of grams. 1 to 1 1 part mass 1 part volume but that is just for water every substance has a density and they rarely if ever are equal.

How does the density of water change when it moves from a liquid to a gas?

First of all, the density of water decreases when it gets in gas state. Density is depended on mass and volume and thus the formula density= mass/volume. When water gets into gas state, the volume increases which results in an decrease in density.