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The age of consent in Michigan is 16. You can't be legally charged for having sex with an 21-year-old, and he can't be charged for having sex with you unless he is a teacher or coach at your school.

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Q: If you are 17 and with parent consent have dated a man that was 21 would it still be illegal in Michigan?
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Consent to Marriage of a Minor?

Consent to Marriage of a Minor(Download)The undersigned, the parents of ______________________, consent to the marriage of ______________________ to _________________________.Dated: _____________________________________________FATHERSocial Security Number:_______________________________MOTHERSocial Security Number:_______________________________Witness_______________________________WitnessConsent to Marriage of a MinorReview ListThis review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. This is a simple and clear consent to the marriage of a minor. Be sure to have witnesses in order to prevent any challenge. They are not strictly required in many states but it is still a sound principle to have them.1. Make multiple copies. Give two to the minor child receiving consent in order to facilitate getting the marriage license/certificate. This way they can provide one to the authorities and have one for back up, should it be required then or at a later date. Keep one for yourself.2. If you are the sole living parent, single parent without the other parent having joint custody, or legal guardian, then we recommend you get your agreement notarized to add a level of formality to the agreement. And, of course, modify the signature lines according to your legal status, regarding the minor.

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I think it's fine, I was 12 and dated a 14 year old.. As long as your parent/gurdian is alright with it ( If you tell them ) then there's not a problem.. But from the way I see it, it's completely normal

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Is it illegal to postdate a check?

It is not illegal to post date a check. Though it is illegal in some states to request someone to write you a (or many) post dated checks to guarantee payment. The check is not legal tender until the date on the check.

Are post dated checks followed by banking prodecures?

I cant share about every bank but i know that is a post dated check is presented at the bank i work at we will not honor it. That said, if a post dated check is dropped in the night deposit or ATM machine we really have no choice but to process it. It is technically illegal to write a post dated check.

Are postdated checks illegal?

Are post-dated checks issuing allowed by the State law in Greece or it is forbidden? Tks for the answer. Massimo

Is it illegal to eat mince pies?

No, why would they exist if we weren't allowed to eat them? However, an old out-dated law in the UK still states that it is illegal to eat Mince Pies on Christmas day.

Is it legal to write a post dated check in Pennsylvania?

No. Writing a post dated check in Pennsylvania is perfectly legal as long as the person to whom you give the check does not submit it for cashing before the date you put on your check. For that matter, it is not illegal to write a post dated check in any country