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Are you a boy or a girl? I always had that question (I am a boy) and at your age I was 5'7 and 155 and I thought I was overweight but turns out I had a really large build and in the end I felt better. So consider your type of body structure and I would say 120 is perfectly normal

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Q: If you are 5 feet and 5 inches and 13 are you over weight if you weigh 120 and if so how much should you weigh?
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How much should a ten year old 4 feet 10 inches weigh?

well i am 4 feet and tin inches and i am in fifth grade and i weigh 79 pounds but i am under weight so you should weight in the 80's but call you doctor to find out how muck you should weigh

5 feet 2 inches 37 year old female should weigh what?

her weight should be about 55 kg.

How much should you weigh if you are 15 when you are 4 feet 11 inches?

A healthy weight for you is anywhere between 90 and 120 pounds.

You are 5 feet 5 inches and weigh 130 pounds is that over weight?


How much should you weigh if your 5 feet 2 inches?

105-120. Personally , I think any weight is fine. Nobodies perfect. Everyone's beautiful :)

What is the normal weight for a teenage girl?

It depends on how tall the teenager is. If the teenager is only 5 feet tall, they should weigh between 97 pounds and 123 pounds but if they are 5 feet 10 inches tall they should weigh between 132 pounds and 167 pounds.

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whats the ideal weigh for a 5 feet 5 inches male

Is it too much weight if I am 4 feet 10 inches and I weigh 70 pounds?

No, you are perfect weight according to the BMI scale.

How much should a 60 year old woman weigh who is 5 feet 4 inches?

it depends on her height. as a general rule, one should weigh 100 lbs for 5 feet tall, and another five pounds for each inch. for example, at 5 feet 5 inches, a good weight would be 125 lbs.

How much should a female of 5 feet 3 inches weigh?

im 5 10 and i weight 150. so 5 3...i'd say 130

If you are 4 feet 8 inches how much should you weigh?

It does not matter how tall or how short you are, it matters on your body type and diet! there is no right weight for any one person.

How much should the average girl weigh at 5 feet 4 inches?

i think between 120-135 lbs is a good healthy weight for 5 4