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This could depend on the relationship, position held in the company, state you work in (each has their own criteria), reasons for the unemployment, etc. It's best to contact your local employment security office for clarification.

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Q: If you are related to your employer can you still get unemployment benefits?
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Receiving unemployment benefits is not determined by what you want to be, but by your work history, reason for leaving your employer, etc.

If you use vacation time while on furlough can you still apply for unemployment benefits?

Some states allow it and others may offset your benefits by some formula, as it is considered payment by the employer for services. Check with your state's office of unemployment/

Can you receive nys unemployment if you receive a severance package?

Generally you will be disqualified for the amount of time that you receive severance. For example, if your weekly benefits are $400 a week and you earned $1200 severance, then you will be disqualified for a month.

If you are on unemployment in Arizona and you are moving to New Jersey will you still get unemployment there?

According to the Related Link below, if you move to a state with Employment Benefits, you are eligible for up to 20 weeks of benefits. I the state does not have those benefits, then you may receive up to 2 weeks.

If you are working full time but have been put on temp layoff can you draw unemployment benefits if you are drawing Social Security benefits in North Carolina?

The below Related Link refers to as "if still attached to an employer's payroll not needing to register", apparently allowing unemployment for a temp layoff. You can draw Social Security benefits, regardless of temp layoff or any other employment situation because it is unrelated to employment issues.

Can you collect unemployment insurance after you are released from jail?

In most cases you cannot collect unemployment after maternity leave. If your maternity leave is over, your doctor has determined that you can go back to work. Unemployment is intended for those who are laid off from work.

Can you collect unemployment and work in the state of ill?

Yes. In the Related link below, page 5, "Are You Eligible for Benefits"; "Disqualifications"; 1) there are 9 reasons under which you can quit your job and still collect benefits.

Can you work in Washington D.C. and still receive unemployment?

Only the state you worked in is liable for paying your unemployment benefits. It is possible to file THROUGH the DC office, but the payments would be from Mass. Your local office will assist you in this.

Can one work and still draw benefits from unemployment?

That depends upon how much money you are earning from your work. If your earnings are relatively low, you may still qualify for unemployment benefits. However, if your earnings are high, then in effect you are no longer unemployed, and should not receive unemployment benefits.

Can you still get unemployment benefits if you join the army?

No. You are working when in the army.

Are professional ballplayers eligible for unemployment benefits in the offseason?

No. They are still on the team so the can't file for unemployment.

Can you draw out your 401k while receiving unemployment benefits in Louisiana?

No, because if you are fired in Louisianna, you can still get a job if it is in another county.