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"Insurance and Taxes. No. All proceeds or withdrawals from any insurance policy are not taxable."

This is not true. If you cancel a life insurance policy, the growth on the cash value IS TAXABLE. If you do not surrender your policy, the money is taken as a loan and therefore not taxable, but interest that has to be paid back to the insurance company grows.

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Q: If you cash in a life insurance policy do you have to pay taxes on it?
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The cash value of something is the value before taxes. Net or Netto cash value is after taxes.

Do you have to pay taxes on life insurance?

Life insurance death benefits are paid out tax-free as long as your premiums were paid with after-tax money. If you have a cash value life insurance policy and surrender the policy, you may be subject to a taxable gain if the total cash value exceeds the cost basis of the policy.

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Proceeds from a life insurance policy are usually not taxable. This is in the case where a person dies and the company pays the benefits. If a policy is cashed or money is withdrawn from the cash value then this does not apply and you may have taxes in these cases but not from the death benefit.

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Your dad can withdraw the cash value of your life insurance policy if he is the policy owner of your policy. If you have obtained adulthood, you dad cannot withdraw the cash value of your life insurance policy without your consent. If you are minor life assured, your dad as proposer can draw cash value on maturity,provided you will not be adult then.

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Are life insurance premiums deductible on year end taxes?

No. That's why the proceeds aren't taxed as income. Answer Correct...premiums are taxable. Death benefits are generally not taxed as income. Also if it is permanent life insurance policy and has some cash value built up and you take that cash out, the amount of cash less the premiums paid into the policy ("your gain") is taxable. Additional comment: Actually, if you take your cash value out as a loan, you do not have to pay taxes on "gains" as long as the life insurance is in place, hopefully until you die.

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