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no.If you want healthy teeth eat only one or two sweets and brush you teeth for two hours or minutes.

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Q: If you clean your teeth you can eat as many sweets as you like?
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How can you clean your teeth without bleaching them?

Well obviously a toothbrush and toothpaste clean your teeth, but I think that you may be asking how to whiten your teeth without bleach. There are many options, like ways to whiten teeth with ultraviolet lights, and a good teeth cleaning from the dentist will help a ton.

Are brain lickers bad for you and if they are in what way?

In my opinion, I don't think they are very bad for you they just rot your teeth if you have them too often- like many other sweets.

How can tooth plaque be prevented from forming?

Plaque can be prevented from forming by cleaning and flossing your teeth regularly and not eating too many sweets. Also by eating less foods that are not friendly with your teeth. Follow this and it is extremely unlikely to get plaque on your teeth.

What happens to your teeth if you eat too many sweets?

your teeth will be rotten and you will need to go to the dentist

Can dental assistants clean children's teeth?

Well, it depends on the state regulations and the training the dental assistant has gotten. If your state allows DA's to clean teeth then it is only children's teeth.

How many times should i clean my teeth in a day?

3 time a day

How do you get your teeth whiter like celebrities?

There are many teeth whitening products on the market that can help you get whiter brighter teeth at home without spending a fortune like celebrities do. Eat healthy food, drink water to keep the mouth clean, brush and floss, no smoking and use teeth whiteners safely: Try these tips:

Why should you clean your teeth after meal instead of before meals?

we should clean our teeth after meals because some of the food particles remain in the mouth and they start decaying and cause many disease

How many teeth do flamengo have?

A Flamingo has no teeth, like every other bird ( with the exception of the Toothbill that looks like it has teeth).

What wrecks your teeth?

Many things can wreck your teeth... Like... Sugar---->Plaque---->ruins your teeth.

Can dogs taste sweet stuff?

Why would you want to give your dog sweets? Will only help to decay his or her teeth. Chocolate is poisonous to a dog. Instead of giving sweets, use something different like yummy doggie biscuits but not too many to make him or her fat. You can also treat with little pieces of veggies, such as small pieces of carrots, tomatoes, etc..

How many different types of sweets are there in England?

there are so many sweets in England you can never be sure how many there are.