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No - medical bills covered by medicaid cannot be collected from the patient. Provide them another copy of your medicaid card for that time of service or contact medicaid and have them contact the hospital that is harassing you.

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Q: If you had Medicaid which paid for hospital bills and any medical prescriptions does the hospital have the right to charge you for unpaid medical bills and also put it on your credit report?
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Can you charge a Medicaid patient if Medicaid does not cover procedure code?

No providing you are a credentialed provider with Medicaid

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Air evac medical flights work by taking the patient to the nearest hospital. There is often a charge for this service.

Who is in charge of Medicaid?

Medicaid is administered jointly by federal and state governments. State participation in Medicaid is voluntary, and all states have chosen to offer Medicaid coverage to their residents

Do you have to pay to get a paper copy of your electronic medical record?

Certain hospitals will charge. Costs vary depending on the hospital.

Can you charge no show fee for Medicaid?

It varies from state to state. I know that in Illinois Medicaid patients can be charged.

Can medicaid deny you for prescription drug coverage for minor possession charge?

Yes medicaid can deny you for prescripition drug coverage if you have had a minor possesion charge this is because it is a falony charge and they are thinking you will try and sell them.

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Medicaid plans cover IUD removal.

Can a pharmacy technician bag prescriptions?

Yes If and only If the pharmacist in charge has verifyed or checked the prescriptions and gave a verbal order to the tech that he or she can bag them.

Will Alabama medicaid pay a primary insurance copay?

Medicaid will pay the copay only if the amount of the copay added to whatever the primary insurance paid is less than or equal to what Medicaid would allow for that charge to begin with. Like charge of $50 for a visit, and the copay is $10 and the primary insurance paid $3 and Medicaid allows $15 for that particular code. Then Medicaid would pay $12.00 of it. This is highly unlikely, though.

What is a woman who is in charge at a hospital?

A matron.

Does Medicaid ever charge for their services?

Medicaid is always free as this is a government program. If someone asks you for money then you can assume they are trying to run a scam on you and report them right away.

If you are poor can you get free medical treatment in South Africa?

Yes. If you are poor, you can receive free medical treatment in South Africa. You generally will only be treated by the clinic or hospital that serves your residential area, but if it is an emergency, you will be treated at any government facility, and subsequently referred to a clinic or hospital near to your residence. The billing code for the poor or unemployed is H1-UPFS. This means a minimal charge for paperwork, if it can be afforded, or no charge at all.