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yes you can it doesn't affect anything yes you can exersize

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15y ago

Yes, a subconjunctival hemorrhage can be caused by coughing, sneezing or vomiting.

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Q: If you have a burst blood vessel in the eye can you exercise?
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When you have a Burst blood vessel in your eye and when you wake up on a morning you carnot open your eye with the burst blood vessel in because its full of sleep why is it always full of sleep?

hey im not too sure but i think its mean u have conjunctiveitus

Red dot in your eye what is it?

It is probably a burst blood vessel. A burst blood vessel in the eye can be caused by coughing, laughing, vomiting, or anything that puts pressure on the eye/face itself. Staying up late will never be the cause. It should not hurt, should not impair your vision, and should clear up in about a week (if not, go see a doctor).

What is a burst blood vessel behind the eye can it be repaired?

First off, the best course of action is to go to an opthamologist. They will be able to tell the person the severity of the issue and what can be done to help speed the healing process and if it is permanent.

What is the causes of burst vessel in eye?

when I close my eyes a see a black spot on 1 eye an it moves when I move my eye

Can you died if you popped your eye blood vessel?

The burst blood vessels you're describing are called "subconjunctival hemorrhages." They occur among the many small and fragile blood vessels in the eye's conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the whites of the eyes and lubricates and protects the eyeball. So the answer is no.

What if half your eye is bloodshot?

Sounds like maybe a broken blood vessel in eye

Can dogs pop a blood vessel in eye?

Yes, just as you and I.

Can you remove eye makeup with a popped blood vessel?


What is an eye vessel?

its a vessel in your eye. its a vessel in your eye.

What happened to WWE superstar ryback's eye?

He burst the blood vessels in his eye from the strain of weight training

Can a tennis ball pop an eye vessel?

Anything can pop your blood vessel if it is hard enough althlough unlikely unless you take it dead in your eye

Why do I have a black web in my eye?

Depends on where in the eye you mean. On the white: broken blood vessel. In the back of the eye: see a doctor.