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I would try to negotiate first, the worst that would happen is they would say no and you would pay the whole thing. But at least that way if they say yes then you've saved some money that could be put to better use.

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Q: If you have a large credit card debt and are going to refinance your home to cover it is it better to negotiate a discounted payoff for each card or just pay the balance or another way not mentioned?
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You ca refinance your auto with a better interest rate at Another good site is

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You may refinance any time that the refinance improves your financial situation. If you are interested in a no obligation - free detailed analysis - of your situation, please contact me. I am an FHA specialist.

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There can be several purposes to a car refinance. The most common reason to refinance is to get a better (lower) interest rate. Another reason may be to remove from or add someone to the lease.

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Yes, "negotiate" is a verb. It means to engage in discussions or conversations with another party in order to reach an agreement or settlement.

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The abstract noun for the verb negotiate is negotiator. Another abstract noun form is negotiation.

Why do people refinance their home instead of paying it all off?

You may refinance your loan to get a lower interest rate. Another reason you may want to refinance is to get some equity out of the home in order to upgrade or make repairs.

Can i refinance car loan with another down payment?

If you refinance a car another down payment is usually not required. I refinanced a car to lower to payments and it added another year to the payoff date of the car. I wasn't required to give a down payment.

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This depends on your home loan status but it is often best to refinance as it requires minimum impact credit by replacing one loan with another. Another option is to short sell (selling your home at a loss).

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A person could buy discounted dimmer switches from Discount Dimmers. Another option is from Amazon. These discounted dimmer switches prices at $10 and up.

Can you refinance one home to buy another?

Generally, yes, it is permissible to refinance your first home to get the cash to buy another. Finance companies are not as generous with the money as they were two years ago. And you must disclose your plans for the money during refinancing.

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