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Ovulation occurs about 14 days after the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Basically, you have a time frame of 10-17 days after your LMP for ovulation, because some people are not always regular.

Technically, cramping can be a sign of either.

Early in pregnancy, cramping may occur with implantation, but this cramping should go away. If it doesn't a doctor will need to evaluate it.

Cramping can occur with ovulation and also as PMS or during your period.

If you miss your next MP, or are late, you can take a pregnancy test to know if you are pregnant. Until then, if you are trying to get pregnant, you can keep "trying," just in case you haven't conceived yet.

Remember, it can take up to 3 days after intercourse before conception and implantation may occur, as sperm can "live" inside the female body for up to 72 hours before ever reaching an egg. After that time, the sperm will die off if it has not fertilized an egg.

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Q: If you have been cramping the last couple of days but don't know when you ovulate but are trying to get pregnant could this be an early sign of pregnancy or is it a sign of ovulation?
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