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They are not worms they are millipedes and you can kill them by putting vinegar near the doors where they intrude .

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Q: If you have worms that are brown with a black stripe with a million legs how do you get rid of them What are they?
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The hippopotomus have something on its head called acnilitiosdraggerpersoncat. Yes a very long word! It means small sized worms. These worms are usually hot pink,black,brown or light blue. So that is what they have on their heads.From,Dr. Mainguy

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unfortutunatly honey it does not but i am guessing poop does!!!! its even darker sometimes than a black shirt!!! SOMETIMES(YOU KNOW YOU COULD POOP GREEN OR BROWN WITH WORMS) i hope i helped!!!! ))

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cutworms The kinds that are there are the ones that are there because there are many types of worms.