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Fluid is a wide range word, it may be related to very different products as: asphalt, Mercury, alcohol or water, and the raising of temperature will affect more or less(different rates) expanding the fluid, if fluid is placed in a closed recipient, the pressure will be increased

in an open recipient the pressure will be the same...

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The volume decreases (you're talking about chemistry, properties of a gas, right?)

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The pump or other hydrolics will break.

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Q: What will happenif you keep increasing both the pressure and temperature of a liquid?
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By lowering the temperature on increasing the pressure.

What happens if you keep increasing both the pressure and the temperature of a liquid?

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Increasing the pressure and decreasing the temperature the solubility increase.

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gas can be converted to liquid by increasing pressure and by lowering temperature of gas

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The boiling point of a liquid increases when atmospheric pressure is increased.

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One way to increase the solubility of a gas is to decrease the temperature of the liquid. The solubility of a gas in a liquid is usually temperature dependent, although it depends on the particular combination of which gas and which liquid. Usually the solubility of a gas goes down with increasing temperature (think of warm carbonated beverages going flat).The other way to increase the solubility is to increase the pressure of the gas. The higher the pressure of the gas above the liquid, the more will dissolve. Again, think of a carbonated beverage: when it is sealed it doesn't go flat because it is under pressure, but when open to air, it will go flat.See the Web Links to the left of this answer for more

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