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Possibly. Although creditors cannot force the collection of debts (lawsuits) outside of the US it is not necessarily true that a person's credit history cannot affect them outside of the US. Most large US banks now have branches all over the world, therefore if you applied with a lending institution of that type your US credit history could be accessed.

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Q: If you leave the US with credit card debt will you have a problem establishing credit in a European country?
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How do I get my business to have credit?

You need to spend to establish credit. The general steps are to establish your entity, open a bank account, secure a credit card, and begin establishing credit through purchasing.

Where can one get information on establishing a business line of credit?

There are a number of websites where one could find information on establishing a business line of credit including Small Business, Small Business Online Community and the Small Business Administration.

Where do you go to register your small business with the credit bureau to start establishing business credit?

Open up a line of credit with a bank or get a credit card in the business' name. Those entities will report to the credit bureaus based on your usage of the credit line.

Which companies offer business credit card deals?

You can contact your local bank to talk to them about establishing a credit card for your business. They will be able to tell you what you need to do to get what you want.

Where can one find secure credit in Texas?

Securing credit in Texas is the same as securing credit anywhere in America. The best way to begin establishing credit is to apply for a credit card geared towards beginners. Using the credit card and paying it off in a timely manner will help to build credit.