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Spotting can be a sign of a few things. Pregnancy, hormonal problems, urinary tract infection or an approaching period. A lot of exercise can delay or cause a spotty period. But see your doctor incase its a UTI or pregnancy.

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Q: If you ran 34 days last month and 39 days this month and just started spotting does this mean you're not ovulating?
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It depends on your age. If youre below 9 you wont get your period, but if youre above 8 then its possible to get a period.

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spotting only happen when you wipe but periods happen when u do or dont wipe so if its only when u wipe then youur pregant but if it leaks more than juss that time its your cycle and your not pregant

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could be that youre ovulating if you have a fever, or it hurts to pee, go see a doctor

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you could be pregnant at anytime if a guy came inside of you without protection but is more likely to happen if youre ovulating, unless you dont have a uterus or ovaries

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that depends. if your on bc that prevents periods then yes. your period doesn't have much to do with preventing pregnancy. bc stops you from ovulating and you cant get pregnant if you dont ovulate. if you're not on bc however, you can still ovulate w/o having your period therefore still get pregnant. you miss your period when youre pregnant because that blood makes the sac, placenta etc.

What days are women most fertalie?

Ususally 12-14 days after your period stops. This is when you'd ovulate. Try using an over the counter ovulation predictor kit. you just pee on the stick and it will tell you if youre ovulating or not! good luck!