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Yes you could be pregnant provided you are not over stressed. Stress can also make periods very light or you could possibly skip some.

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Q: If you spot a little for a few days before your actual period is supposed to start but don't get your period can you possibly be pregnant?
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No. If your period doesn't arrive, then take a test

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You only had a 1 day period with light bleeding which is out of the ordinary but im cramping are you pregnant?

If you've only experienced light spotting that maybe pinkish/brownish with maybe a tinges of blood then you are probably pregnant. This is known as implantation bleeding and mild cramps may be experienced with this. There should be no "flow". ONLY spotting; however, there are many cases where women have seemingly normal "menstruation-like" bleeding and are still diagnosed to be pregnant. Implantation bleeding usually lasts from as least as a few hours to up to 3 days. This typically occurs around the day your actual menstruation is supposed to begin or even possibly a day or two before. I hope this helps, God bless!

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Seriously??!! NO! You should not take any medications that are not prescribed by your doctor, while pregnant. It could possibly harm your baby. ALWAYS consult a doctor before taking ANY medications while pregnant. Plus, why would you try to LOSE weight while pregnant??

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No pregnancy test will tell you that early. Some will tell you 5 days before you are supposed to get your period, but most won't tell you until the time when you are supposed to be getting your period. There are no "symptoms" this early.

Can a pregnant soldier get bah and move out of the barracks before 28 weeks?

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