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It depends on what caused the yellow leaves.

Both dryness and overwatering can cause yellow leaves so if the plant is dry water it ,if it is sodden let it dry.

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Q: If you stop watering your petunias will the yellow leaves disappear?
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Generally yellow leaves mean over watering.

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tulip leaves are green but when the turn yellow you need to reduce watering. :) hope this helps

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it's because you are watering it to much

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Yellow leaves mean that your salvia has too much moisture. Stop watering.

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Yellow leaves usually indicates overwatering. Brown leaves indicate that the plant is not receiving enough water. The combination indicates that either your mint plant is confused or you are not consistently and/or correctly watering it, according to its need.

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Is there such a thing as a yellow petunia?

There are pale yellow petunias available but I haven't seen a bright yellow one as yet.

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Try watering with some Epsom Salts.

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Probably because it's getting too much water. If the leaves turn brown, it means there's not enough water.

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it can be, or it can be a result of a fungal infection on the leaf. yellowing leaves, especially at the base of the plant are indicative of a root problem - root rot, over watering or even severe fertiliser burn to the roots of the plant

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Magnesium deficiency create dead leaves and yellow leaves on a plant.

What are some examples of annual flowers?

The types that you should look for that look highly visually appealing, are flowers such as Petunias, Snapdragons, or Sunflowers. Petunias are a nice pink or purple color, Snapdragons are a vibrant orange color, and Sunflowers have bright yellow petals.