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can't take off in drive but manual shift it will go in drive.

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Q: If you swinging a rubber ball on a string which direction will it fly off?
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Why sun not revolving around the earth?

Astronomically, you only get smaller masses orbiting larger ones - try imagining a tennis ball on the end of a string, with you swinging the tennis ball around. Now imagine the tennis ball swinging you!

Why the earth revolving around the sun?

Astronomically, you only get smaller masses orbiting larger ones - try imagining a tennis ball on the end of a string, with you swinging the tennis ball around. Now imagine the tennis ball swinging you!

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Why do moons not fall into the planet they are orbating?

Think of swinging a ball around and around on the end of a string. The ball will stay straight out at the end of the string. The ball stays suspended at the end of the string because the moving ball wants to go straight but it can't because the string is holding it -- keeping it from flying away. The force the string is exerting on the ball is called centripetal force.Moons rotate around their planets just as the ball swings around on the string. The planet's gravity acts as the string, holding the moon from flying off into space.

Where was basket ball invanted?

The basket ball was first invented in erope. It had ropes tied around it and was played on horseback. The object of the game was to get the ball throgh the opposite team's ring by swinging it by the dangling string.

How do you beat civiballs Christmas edition level 9 at home?

How to complete Civiballs Christmas Edition level 9:Click the red string of the red ball on the bottom right side.Click the blue string so it falls in the sling shot.Launch the sling shot.Click the green ball while it is swinging so it falls down the hole.Click the green string to the grey ball on the top left.

A ball attached to a string is being swung in a clockwise circular path Assume the string breaks In which direction will the ball be traveling an instant later?

There weren't any pictures attached to this question. But the answer would be in direction D where the line is going to the right with an arrow on the end.

What is an everyday object that can represent a nucleus?

Well if you want the whole nucleus your gonna have to build it here are some ideas; macoroni noodles or hardshell noodles;a foam ball or a giant rubber ball;string or yarn; for the question you asked a smaller foam ball or a small rubber ball

How centripetal force and gravity keep a satellite orbiting?

Once an object is set into motion in a given direction it will continue in that direction unless a force prevents it from doing so. If you swing a ball around and around on the end of a string, it goes in a circle at the end of the string. The thing that keeps the ball from flying off is the string pulling on it. If you let go of the string the ball will sail off in a straight line in the direction it was moving at the moment you release the string.The ball wants to go in a straight line, the thing that prevents that is the string pulling on it. The string is exerting a centripetal force on the ball preventing it from flying away.Just like the ball, a satellite rotating around the Earth would fly off into space in a straight line if something weren't pulling it back toward the Earth. Earth's gravity is exerting a centripetal force, pulling on it, preventing the satellite from sailing away.

Wool in baseballs?

If you take off the leather on a baseball, you will find a lot of string. Under that string is about 5 times as much yarn. Under the yarn is a wood ball with rubber around it.