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No you will not pass it.

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Q: If you take Oxycontin on Sunday can you pass a urine test Tuesday?
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Can you pass a urine test for opiates on Wednesday if you did Oxycontin on Sunday?

Yes. You can . Generally, narcotics are testable in the urine for around 72 hours.

You are taking Oxycontin and need to pass a urine test regularly How do you do it?

The only practical ways are to stop using drugs or switch urine.

If you took 1 40mg oxycodone on Sunday will you pass a urine test on Tuesday?

I assume you are talking about a long-acting oxycodone tablet such as Oxycontin. Short-acting forms of the drug are not prescribed in that kind of dose. And it is highly unlikely you would pass said urine screen. Long-acting oxycodone stays in therapeutic concentrations in blood plasma for a full 12 hours AT LEAST. Depending on your personal metabolic rate for opiates you might not feel it working that long, but it is in there. That means your body should be excreting opiate metabolites for the following 72 hours after one dose of a drug like oxycontin. If you have a drug screen coming up and you really want to pass it: don't take the oxy.

If you took Oxycontin and vicodin daily will you pass a urine test in 13 days?

13 days since your last dose of either one? Yes, you will pass.

Will you pass a urine drug test on Sunday if you took 60mg of adderall on monday?


If you drink 5 beers on Friday will you pass a urine test on Sunday?


Can you pass a urine drug test for oxycodone if you used cocaine on Friday and were tested on Sunday?

It is not likely that you'll pass.

How do you pass a urine test for a job?

If you don't do drugs, you will pass the urine test.

I had 5 beers and one shot of alcohol on Saturday and take urine test on Tuesday will i pass?

Yeah you should be good. drink lots of water.48 hours is about the max.

Why do you need to pass urine after surgery?

One needs to pass urine after surgery to ensure the kidneys are functioning properly. Failure to pass urine indicates a renal problem.

At what rate does urine pass through the uterus into the bladder?

Urine does not pass through the uterus at all...

How do you pass urine while tucking?

To pass urine while tucking, first you have to un-tuck.