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no its a myth to scare little children

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Q: If you touch a mallard duckling will its mother disown it?
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Will a mother mouse disown its baby if a human touches it?

I have heard that if the babies get the smell of human on them then the mother won't touch it. ANSWER i touched my babies when they were about a day old which i shouldn't have and she didnt reject them but just don't take them away from the mother or pick them up try avoid to touch them because i do think the mother does abandon her babies in some cases of this happening

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only if you touch it softly but if you push on it it will die

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you can touch the puppies, it is actually good to play with them, unless the Mamma does not like it and bites you. Mothers are very protective over their pups, but you can handle them.

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1. Mother said "do not touch the electricity, donna". = mother asked donna to dont touch the electricity.

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no you dont not unless you get the mother in another room or if the mother is calm the dog will bite you if you touch its puppies.

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Your Mother.

Can you touch a cats babies after they are born?

You should never, ever touch your cats litter! Dont forget it is there litter and you should leave your cat to do what she wants with them, also never interput in the birth of the kittens as the mother off the kittens can get very jelous and possible disown the kitten you have picked up as the kitten will then have you sense of smell!

What happens if you touch a new bornn baby hamster?

Its not advised to touch a new born baby hamster as the mother can be very protective.

We should feed the youngones of a rabbit or not?

no. The mother will feed them. DONT even touch them until they are 6 weeks old. If you touch them before the mother will kill the babies.

Why does your girlfriends mother touch you?

because she likes you, BOY!!

When can you put the baby bunnies in the cage with their father?

DO TOUCH THE BABIES... the mother has the potential to care for them if she feels the love by you. So please just touch the mother and help her do her job.

A mother rabbits eat their own baby?

Only if you ever touch the babies or offend the mother.