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in orger to make one amino acid we require a one triplet base pair nucleotide For example if we have A-G-C as a codons then it will form the complementary anti-codons U-C-G which will give rise to one amino acid at the tail of anti codons. ,Many amino acids join together to form an anti codon

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To obtain one amino acid, you generally need one codon. Each codon consists of three nucleotides, which encode for a specific amino acid during the process of protein synthesis. There are exceptions due to redundancy and the possibility of multiple codons coding for the same amino acid, but in most cases, one amino acid is encoded by one codon.

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Q: If you want one amino acid how many codons will you need?
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How many bases would DNA molecule have to molecule to code an enzymes of 150 amino acids?

To code for a protein of 150 amino acids, the DNA molecule would need approximately 450 base pairs. This is because each amino acid is encoded by a sequence of three nucleotides called a codon. So, 150 amino acids would require 150 codons, which translates to 450 base pairs.

If a food does not contain the necessary amounts of a certain amino acid to meet a body need that amino acid is called what?

limiting amino acid

How many bases make up the code for one amino acid?

There are 3 nitrogen bases equalling one amino acid and they are called codons. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and in turn protein in science is one of the building blocks of life. The protein molecule has the chromosome strands. On each strand of the chromosome there are shapes in groups of 3 which is the RNA or the Ribonucleic Acid. Where the chromosomes are located, the strands have messengers that travel outside to the ribosomes to be decoded or decyphered. Once the RNA has been decoded by the ribosomes the amino acid is formed. The chronological order of the amino acid being decyphered determines the type of protein. Protein is essential for human growth as it helps with the repair of our muscles amoungst many of it's uses.

Why does fetus need amino acid?

Amino acids are building blocks for the body's construction. There are 20 amino acids, but only 8 are called Essential Amino Acids.

During translation the type of amino acid that is added to the growing polypeptide depends on what?

D. codon on the mRNA and the anticodon on the tRNA to which the amino acid is attached. __________ On my packet it says answer C. Codon on the mRNA and the anticodon on the tRNA but it's all the same thing XD

Related questions

How many bases are needed to make 3 amino acids?

One codon is 3 bases long - this codes for one amino acid. Therefore you would need 9 bases (3 codons) to make 3 amino acids.

How many nucleotide bases does it take to specify one amino acid?

i think nine bases are needed for three amino acids because i think it takes three bases to make one amino acid

Where does the amino acid table use the code from?

I'm unsure what your question means, but if I interpreted correctly, the codes on the amino acid table are codons. So they are the codes that would be found on the mRNA. If you are looking up an amino acid on the table, just use the one it says under the codon you want to translate. For example, if the codon is AUG, the amino acid is just methionine. No need to do anything more.

How many codons are neede to specify two amino acids?

In order to create two amino acids, you would need two codons, which is 6 bases (Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, or Cytosine) because a codon is a group of three bases.

How does the cell know which proteins to make from the DNA code?

Firstly, DNA is transcripted to mRNA, which is then translated by ribosomes into your polypeptide. Each set of 3 bases on the mRNA (codon) codes for a particular amino acid. However, there can be up to four codons, coding for a single amino acid. ie GCU, GCC, GCA and GCG all code for Alanine. Therefore, if you know the amino acid sequence, you can work backwards to mRNA and then to DNA, but you wouldn't be very accurate as you'd need to guess the codons.

How many bases would DNA molecule have to molecule to code an enzymes of 150 amino acids?

To code for a protein of 150 amino acids, the DNA molecule would need approximately 450 base pairs. This is because each amino acid is encoded by a sequence of three nucleotides called a codon. So, 150 amino acids would require 150 codons, which translates to 450 base pairs.

How many nucleotides are need to code one amino acid?


How many nucleotides make an amino acid?

3 are needed. As there are 20 amino acids used in proteins, each amino acid would have to be encoded by a minimum of three nucleotides. For example, a code of two consecutive nucleotides could specify a maximum of 16 (42) different amino acids, excluding stop and start signals. A code of three consecutive nucleotides has 64(43) different members and thus can easily accommodate the 20 amino acids plus a signal to stop protein synthesis.

If a food does not contain the necessary amounts of a certain amino acid to meet a body need that amino acid is called what?

limiting amino acid

How does dna determine both the kinds of amino acids and their order in proteins that need to be synthesized?

Before a cell can create amino acids, it must transfer the DNA into RNA. The cell can then use RNA to create the amino acids. The call reads RNA in 3-letter sections, called codons. Each amino acid has a corresponding anti-codon. The cell matches these codes up and can then add the correct amino acid to the growing protein.

How many amino acids need to be joined together to form a protein?

At least two, otherwise it is just called an amino acid ;).

What is nonessinetial amino acids?

Nonessential amino acid is an amino acid which can be synthesized by an organism and thus need not be supplied in the diet.An alpha-amino acid that is required for protein synthesis and can be by humans