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Q: If you went through a time where you were constantly examining your teeth holding your mouth open for long periods of time now your jaw is starting to ache will the pain go away since you have stopped?
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How should one count your periods cycle from the starting of the periods or ending of the periods?

The starting AND ending of your periods. :)

What is the meaning of intermittent rain?

Intermittent precipitation means it will not be falling constantly but will be "on and off" - there will be periods with precipitation, and periods without.

When you get spots does that mean your periods starting?

not actually

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No, eating the yoke of an egg (or any other animal byproduct) has absolutely nothing at all to do with a girl starting her periods.

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What are products used by young girls starting their periods?

U by Kotex.

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Starting with the oldest, Paleozoic, Mesozoic & Cenozoic.

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stopping and starting often and for short periods [= sporadic, occasional]

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You may have an artesian well. Pipe some of it to a holding tank for periods when you need more.

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All red eyed tree frogs are female and constantly on their periods, and so when startled they shoot red pee at potential threats.

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it couldbe periods starting..