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Yes. Once the hair follicle is clean it stays clean until you use again.

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Q: If you were an everyday marijuana user 1 month ago and detox your body then use hair detox will the hair detox remove all toxins from your hair and have you clean for good so long as you dont smoke?
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You can clean your car by yourself by cleaning out your garbage everyday. Keep a garbage bag in your car and throw the garbage in it as you get garbage. Then remove the bag everyday and throw it out and do the samething everyday.

What problems are caused if the kidneys are damaged?

Medically, we consume and make toxins everyday, within our bodies. The kidney's function is to clean your blood of these toxins. Damaged kidney would mean that you would be intoxicated. Toxins such as urea, which is supposed to be processed into urine, can stay in your body, making your skin look yellow.

Does drinking water right after smoking weed help keep system clean?

No. Drinking water will not remove marijuana from your system.

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There are no toxins in keyboards, but using toxins as keyboard cleaners is a popular method for keeping keyboards clean.

If you smoke hydro everyday how long would it take to get clean?

For regular smokers, marijuana takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks (or a month, on average) to completely leave your system, depending on your weight and metabolism. This is true regardless of what kind of marijuana it is.

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How much water per gram of marijuana do you need to get clean?

Water does NOT help remove marijuana from your system, since it is stored in your fat cells. Fatty substances are not water-soluble, and thus, water does not flush marijuana from your system. See the Related Question below.

Does seraseed clean you from marijuana?

It can clean you from everything if you want it to do so :-)

How many gallons of water does it take to clean all the toxins out of the human body?

How many gallons of water it takes to detoxify the body depends on how good the person's liver is. it also depends on how many toxins there rare to remove and how much the person weighs.

Will Ready Clean work for a drug test?

Drinking Ready Clean does not guarantee that you will pass a drug test. It is said to remove toxins from the body, but what it moves and how much varies. If you are a heavy drug user it will not work for a drug test.

Does acholohl clean your system from marijuana?
