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Most young people side with the Democratic Party, then many of them switch to the Republican Party as they gain wisdom and experience over the years.

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Q: If younger people could vote would they vote for the same candidate as their parents if there parents are democratic or republican?
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What is the younger of two major political parties in the US?

Republican Party is younger than the Democratic Party.

Why did the republican and democratic parties change their colors?

its to trick people or younger generations that do not know the colors.. exp...democratic red i though republican were red ill vote blue. i think im voting for republicans........ ... its based off color for the people who are not politically alive.

Was JFK a Republican?

Yes, he switched parties in 1962. He said that he did not desert the Democrats but rather they deserted him.Yes, Ronald Reagan was a member of the Democratic Party until he switched to the Republican Party in 1962, at the age of 51.

Was Ronald Reagan a democrat or republican?

He was a Democrat when he was younger, but in the mid 1950's he began supporting Republican candidates, notably Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. He supported Richard Nixon for President in 1960, and officially changed parties to become a registered Republican in 1962. As he put it- he never left the Democratic Party-- they left him.

What divided the Democratic Party in 1968?

Opposition to the Vietnam War divided the Democratic Party in 1968, with the older Democratic politicians such as Chicago Mayor Richard Daly lining up against the younger, more liberal Democrats who supported the ideals of assassinated presidential candidate Robert Kennedy. Moderate Sen Hubert Humphrey (MN) was the Democrats compromise candidate; he lost to Richard Nixon by less than 1.5% of the vote.

As a candidate for president which peron appealed most to younger voters?

Bill Clinton

What is the younger of two major political parties?


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Bill Clinton

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they stay with there parents.(mostly) they stay with there parents.(mostly)

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not very good because his parents abused him when he was younger