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The parents are responsible for the child until they reach the age of majority for the state or country. That means food and shelter.

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Q: If your 17 yr old moves out what are the parents' responsibilities?
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Are parents legally responsible for a 17 year old that moves out in Missouri?


Can 17 year old leave house with parents consent?

Yes, they certainly can as long as they have consent. It does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities.

Do step parents have rights if 17 year old moves out?

No, step parents do not have any legal rights to the kids.

If a girl in the state of Texas moves out when she is 17 can her parents press charges on who she moves in with?

no as after 17 you are legal to move out but this also depends on how old the man is. though this is in the UK not Texas,

Are parents responsible financially for 17 year old in Michigan who voluntarily moves out of the house?

Parents are responsible financially for a 17 year old in Michigan who voluntarily moves out of the house unless the teen is completely emancipated. Teens can be partially emancipated, which means parents can still be responsible for certain things.

If a pregnant child moves out at 17 with parental consent are the parents reliable for child support?

The 17-year-old's parents are probably responsible for supporting the 17-year-old (it may depend on the state and the exact circumstances). They are not responsible for supporting the 17-year-old's infant, nor should they be.

Can a 17 year old live alone in New York with parent permission?

Yes, if they have parental permission. That does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities.

What are the ramifications for parents when a 17-year-old moves out?

Until they reach the age of majority, the parents are still responsible for the child. They get to determine where they can live and can report them as a runaway.

Are the parents of a 17 year old pregnant girl responsible for her if she moves out of their home in Texas and moves to Florida?

IF the girl is not married, parents are responsible for her until she turns 18; No matter where she lives, unless she has been emancipated.

Can a 17 year old mother live alone with her child if her parent is okay with it?

Yes. It does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities. And it does not give her the right to contract.

What will happen if a 17-year-old female moves out without parents consent in Louisiana?

Probably not much would happen. However, they could be returned to their parents home.

What happens if a 17 year old boy has a baby with an 18 year old girl?

They become parents of the child. And have all the responsibilities of having a child, including child support.