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You can't! If the young man violates the "no contact" order he will automatically be in violation of the terms of his probation and will be sent back to jail to serve the remainder of his original sentence; plus additional time for violating a court order.

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Q: If your boyfriend is 19 and is on probation for 3 years and cannot have any contact with you how can you still get married?
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Can you get married to your co defendant if you have a stipulation in your probation that you cannot be around them?

The law is the law and since the stipulation in your probation is that you cannot be around that person then no, you cannot get married and if you do so you will be breaking probation and could well go back to jail.

Can a probation officer keep people from relationships?

Yes, in a manner of speaking. If your probation conditions are such that you cannot have contact with a specific person, or a group of people, having any contact will be a probation violation. For instance: those with sex crime convictions will invariably have the condition prohibiting contact with minors. In these cases, if you have contact with a minor, you will be serving the rest of your sentence behind bars. Simple rule of thumb, "Do the crime, do the time." Just lay down and do what you have to do to get off paper.

What can a probation officer do when you are on probation and 16 years old and your boyfriend is 19 years old?

well iam in the same situation as you and they cannot really do anything because they count it as "calendar years" and sine you are 16 and he is 19 that it three years and the legal age limit is four :]

Im 15 years old can i legally get married without my mothers consent if your boyfriend is 16 years old?

I'm sorry to say that you cannot get married at 15 even if your boyfriend is 16. Your mother has to say that it is ok and his parents need to say that also.

What is called when an inmate doesn't break the law but don't follow terms of probation?

It is known as a "Violation of Probation."But an inmate (meaning someone who is IN jail/prison) cannot be on probation. Probation begins after they are released.

Can a probation officer lift a hold on you if you are in jail with new charges but not yet convicted?

If it is the probation officer's warrant then yes, but they probably will not. If it is the judge's warrant the probation officer cannot.

Can a legal person be deported for skipping out on probation?

A legal United States citizen cannot be deported--where would they deport you to if you're legal? The U.S. cannot deport you unless you are an illegal alien. For skipping out on probation, you might face fines, jail time, or your probation being extended. That's about it.

Can a person reject probation after a probation revocation hearing has been set?

A person cannot be set for a probation revocation hearing unless they have already been sentenced to probation. If you are asking if a person can request to do their prison time instead of being released again to probation then yes they can. It may sound odd, but it does happen.

Can convicted felon marry felon on probation?

Provided you were both in the relationship before your conditional releases, then it is possible, if you first obtain the permission of both the parole and probation officers. If this is a relationship that developed after either of you were put on supervised release, it is more likely than either or both of you could be violated and returned to incarceration for having contact with another convicted felon.

Can you request to have the costs of your probation waived because of economic hardship?

You will need to ask the probation department, however, even if they refuse to waive the supervision fee, continue to report and abide by all terms of your probation even if you cannot pay. They cannot revoke your probation for failing to do something you are not capable of. However, if this is the case, make sure you are not spending money on other unnecessary items either.

Is there any thing i can do while im on probation How long dose it take to get going?

Yes you can join the DEP program but cannot ship till your probation is cleared.

Can you quit going to diversion if your not on probation?

If you are attending 'diversion' under a court order to do so, you cannot make your own decision to cease attending whether you are on probation or not.