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No you wont become pregnant. Sperm dies within a few minutes of coming into contact with Air & Oxygen so there is no chance of pregnancy.

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Q: If there is dried sperm on your finger and you touch the outside of your vagina can you get pregnant?
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If there is semen on a surface and a woman applied her vagina directly to it, and the sperm hasn't been there very long (IE: Hasn't dried out and died), and the surface itself was not porous enough to absorb the semen, then there's a very, very slim chance some sperm would have made it into her vagina. However, it's not likely this resulted in pregnancy.

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It depends wether you've cleaned the sperm off enough. If you thurrly washed it, Eg. Shower, poured cup of water over glans probably not. I wouldn't suggest this though, always use a condom when a penis is going to make contact with a vagina.

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I don't think so, since they are no longer mobile or viable. Dried up semen is, however, a biohazard and should not be played with.

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If you are pregnant, that will be news. Can she be pregnant? Possible. There are still going to be sperm in the penis. It only take 1 to do the job. Is it likely? No, Possible? Yes.

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NO u can not get pragnant from dry sperm cause the sperm will be dead

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