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Yes, unless you request the credit reporting bureaus to separate your accounts.

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Q: If your husband files for bankruptcy on debt acquired after your separation is your credit at risk as well?
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If you add your wife who has a discharged bankruptcy 4 yrs ago to your credit card can hurt the husband's stellar credit score?

Yes. But not as much as if the husband did the bankruptcy.

Does bankrumpcy for premarital debt affect my husbands credit?

Yes, if your husband has a bankruptcy before he got married it will still effect his credit.

can i file bankruptcy without my husband in the state of idaho?

You can only file bankruptcy without a spouse in cases where the debt is yours only. For example, if you have a credit card that is in your name only then you can file without your husband.

If you are an additional card holder on a parent's credit card account and you file bankruptcy will the bankruptcy appear on their credit?

The bankruptcy will appear on their credit if you include this card in your bankruptcy. If you leave the card off the bankruptcy, it will not effect their credit.

How will a bankruptcy effect your credit score?

will bankruptcy increase you credit score over time

Will your credit rating be affected by your partner filing bankruptcy?

If your partner files for bankruptcy and you don't then the bankruptcy will not appear on your credit report. But you will be partly responsible for before bankruptcy filing. Generally filing bankruptcy will affect the credit rating of the individual who filed it.

If you file bankruptcy will that remove a charge off report from a credit card?

Filing bankruptcy does not remove a charge off report from a credit card on your credit report. It just adds bankruptcy to your credit report.

Do you have to get credit counseling before you can file for bankruptcy?

You do not have to necessarily get credit counseling before you can file for bankruptcy.

If you filed bankruptcy 4 years ago and your new husband has stellar credit history does your credit have to be checked when applying for a lease?

If it is going to be a joint obligation, then they will check your credit status. If both incomes are not needed to qualify for the transaction, the husband could apply in his name only. Therefore only his credit rating would be used.

How do you get bankruptcy off your credit report?

A bankruptcy will remain on a credit report for the required ten years, it cannot be removed arbitrarily.

How do you remove bankruptcy from your credit rating?

The only way to remove a bankruptcy from your credit report is to dispute it to the credit bureaus. The credit bureaus have 30 days under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, to verify your bankruptcy withe the court that filed it or it must be removed from your credit report.

What are the laws pertaining to a credit reporting agency still reporting after a bankruptcy discharge?

Debts included in the bankruptcy should be noted as such in the credit report. The bankruptcy will remain on the credit report for ten years.