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No you are just cheating yourself really, forget about the other people, you are desperately seeking help within. These people are just demonstrating an existential part of yourself. You have to make up your mind, you must be living a I never got to do this before affair, or you are being indulgent. Besides that, if you are married cheating is wrong, however only if there is a reason it occured, but cheating again, there is something wrong with that. IF you are doing it for pleasure then it is understandable, but you are hurting the other person involved.

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Q: If your married and having an affair and you see someone else is it cheating on your partner to which you are having the affair with?
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Do you still use the word affair when one of the persons in the relationship is dating someone else but they are not married?

No, only use the word affair when married, if not married it would be called cheating.

If you are separated from your spouse and you date someone else is that considered an affair?

Yes it is, even if there's no sex with that person. By law especially through religion you are still married and that can be called affair or cheating.

Having an affair. Started before their marriage. Affair stopped but recently resumed. Should you tell his wife you are sleeping with him?

* Absolutely not! Cheating is as low and one can get and if the person loves someone they should have the guts to tell their married partner and in this case this would be her husband and you should back off until he does! An individual who truly loves someone does not have an affair and would communicate to their married partner that they are in love with someone else and not stoop to sneaking around behind their back. If in doubt put yourselves in this person's shoes. Since you had this affair before their marriage and it has resumed again since they were married this proves this man did either one of two things ... #1 He loved you and should have married you or, #2 He can't commit and is using you and hurting his wife. Some guy!

Have an affair?

No, don't. Cheating is pointless if you don't want your partner and your partner only then what's the point in being in a relationship? Choose who you want to be with and prevent the heartbreak of the other person finding out you had an affair.

Is chatting on the internet cheating on your partner if its the opposite sex?

Of course not ... chatting = conversation (talk) ... cheating = having an affair (sex) ... so, sex is not conversation ... talk is not an affair. Anyone is entitled to talk to anyone they so choose.Another POV:It can be. The idea that a sexual affair is the only form of cheating is a limited view. An emotional affair can be just as much a betrayal. If you are engaged in a chat/internet relationship with someone to the detriment of your physical, non-virtual relationship, then it is cheating.

Is it cheating if you are legally married?

ANSWER: I don't understand your question about cheating, so I will guess and bare with me here. If you are married and having affair with the other person who is not your spouse, yes we call it cheating and in the eyes of God, it is adultery.

Should you tell someone's intimate partner that his or her partner is cheating or had an affair?

That would really depend on my relationship with the non-cheating partner. However, I find that once the guilty party in these types of situations knows you know, often pushing them to fess up is enough to make them do so. They're usually too afraid you'll tell, and try to save face by doing it themselves.

How you can save marriages for married lovers having affair outside their marriages?

dont cheat on your spouse. just tell the person your interested in someone else...cheating is disgusting, disrespectful, and stupid.

Your husband kissed someone all night and said he was not cheating?

find out who he kissed and if it gets to u kick him to the curb ANSWER: Yes it is. What you husband is doing, is cheating in the heart. Making out with this woman can justify as cheating. They haven't reach the second level of their relationship. Married men will always say they weren't having an affairs, because only kissing. Men thinks that having intercourse with the other woman is affair. My husband included. And the man I married is well educated, so for him to tell me that he wasn't cheating or having affair is lame. In short he is having an affair because he is kissing a woman who is not his wife..

What is the difference between cheating husband to cheating wife?

Cheating is cheating no matter if the woman is married or single. The only difference is the man involved feels he can have a wild affair with a married woman without commitment because she will most likely stay with her spouse and the man cheating will stay with his spouse, but if he should have an affair with a single woman she may want him to leave his wife and commit to her.

What is inferdelity?

Perhaps you mean infidelity,if so this is being unfaithful to someone-for example,if a married man/woman has an extra-marital affair with another partner,this is seen as a classic type of infidelity.

Is it considered cheating if the spouses know about the affair?

If you are strictly dating one boyfriend or are married and you or both of you have cheated and been honest about it, it's still in the category of cheating. Learn from it! Cheating gets you nowhere, but a bad reputation. Marcy