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No its not wrong as pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy as early as 4 days before a missed period yes it can b

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Q: If your pregnancy test said you were pregnant but your period isn't due for 4 more days could it be wrong?
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If you were supposed to start your period 2 weeks ago and are currently on it but its lighter then usual could something be wrong?

yes, you could be pregnant take a pregnancy test.

Whats wrong when you start your period two days early and it stops the next morning?

If there is a chance you could be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. It could be implantation bleeding

If you take a pregnancy test between periods could the test be wrong?

Yes that could be too soon, you should probably wait and see if you miss your period, and if you do get your period and it seems light or eratic you could still be pregnant. If you really feel you could be, take it seriously

What is wrong if you are missing your period?

Could be one of several things. Pregnancy is one of them.

What could be wrong if you had a big clot then brown spotting before your period then had a light period and tested negative for pregnancy then started having fever and elevated lymphocytes?

You could have an infection and it's time to see a doctor. This does not mean you are pregnant or have cancer!

My girlfriend and i had an in and out situation in sex for less than a minute and i did not ejaculate But she hasn't had her period yet Is she late What could be wrong?

Well....If she is late for her period she could be pregnant....semen can be expelled any time during sex..without full ejaculation!!! Hello. If your girlfriend is late for her period, then do a pregnancy test. It may be stress, irregular period or pregnancy. Its difficult to say.

Could I be pregnant if I have a negative pregnancy test 1 day after period due however have pregnancy symptoms?

Sometimes the tests can be wrong, so definitely take another test to make sure whether you are or aren't pregnant. These symptoms could be something else, and it is most likely that you're not pregnant if the test came out negative, but it's worth checking, just in case. It is definitely possible that you ARE pregnant.

Can a 14 year old girl be pregnant if she is on her period?

Wow. If you're 14 you shouldn't even be pregnant. But no you cannot get your period. If you bleed at all, there's probably something wrong with your pregnancy. ..That or you may just be having a period and you're not even pregnant.

Its been 38 days since my last period yet i still dont have my monthly visit am i pregnant?

It is very possible that you are pregnant. I would go buy a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side. Then if you aren't pregnant and you still do not have your period I would go to the doctor and tell them about it, because something could be seriously wrong.

Can you still be pregnant even if the test says not pregnant but you have a light period?

Spotting could be mistaken as a light period. I would suggest going to see a doctor because you could be pregnant.

What is wrong with you if you always have a late period?

you could be pregnant, you're iregular, or you're annorexic.

What does it mean if the clear blue test says pregnant 1 2 weeks and 3 plus weeks could this be an error?

I believe that means you are 3+ weeks pregnant. Calculate how pregnant you are from the first day of your last period. A positive pregnancy test is generally accurate, however if you get a negative result, it could be wrong - i.e. you could have tested too early, or at the wrong time of day. If your period still hasn't arrived, try another test, or visit your doctor.