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Simple chart for normal blood glucose levels...

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Q: I'm looking for a simple chart to show normal blood glucose levels...?
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Is glucose a complex or simple sugar?

Glucose is simple sugar.

What is a simple carbohydrate with 6 carbons?

The general term is hexose; if you were looking for a specific example, both glucose and fructose are hexoses.

What are example of an organic form of carbon?

Glucose is a simple example.

Simple Ways to Help Keep Your Blood Glucose Stable?

Stable blood glucose can help you feel energetic throughout the day, and eliminate those highs and lows that come with fluctuating blood glucose levels. To help keep your blood glucose levels stable, enjoy small meals or snacks five or six times a day. Include protein and healthy fats, such as olive oil or macadamia nuts, with each. The protein and fat will slow down digestion and help smooth out blood glucose levels.

What type of carbohdrate is glucose?

Glucose is a simple monosaccharide.

Is glucose a simple carbohydrate?

Glucose is a complex carbohydrate.

What is the simple sugar produced by photosynthesis?

Yes, a simple sugar is created during photosynthesis. This is how the plant creates and uses energy to live on.

What is my blood level after I exercise?

In order to find out blood level following a period of exercise one would need to purchase a blood glucose meter. This is a simple tool used by many diabetics to determine their blood glucose levels.

What gland secretes a hormone that is vital in maintaining proper blood sugar levels?

The pancreas. It produces insulin and glucagon. These hormones control glucose levels. Glucose is a simple carbohydrate. It can be stored as glycogen, a complex carbohydrate.

Blood sugar levels are lowered by?

It is lowered by insulin, which is produced in the beta cells of the pancreas in an area called the Islet of Langerhans. Blood glucose is also suppressed by somatostatin which is produced in the delta cells of the pancreas.

What group or class does glucose fall into?

Glucose belongs to the sugar group.

What simple sugar produced in photosynthesis does a plant use as food?

That is the glucose. It is used for respiration